How do I submit an idea or feature request?

If you’ve got an idea or need for a feature, you can submit it directly to our product team over on our public roadmap .

When you submit an idea, your feedback is delivered to our product team and the product owner of that area of Shotgun will review and determine next steps. The best ideas are the ones that explain why this would be useful in your workflow and how you would use it. This helps the product team to understand if there is a need to be filled.

While the roadmap is the best place to submit an idea, it’s not a place for open discussion. If you’d like to have a conversation about your idea with the community, you’re welcome to post about it here and tag it #feature.

We’ll be keeping an eye on feature discussion within the forum and escalate trending topics to product as well, but submitting it to the public roadmap is step one.


We’re always looking at our idea submission flow and welcome feedback on how we could improve it. Feel free to post in this thread or start a new one in #meta .


Hey Johnny! Since you asked, I do have some feedback. :smile:

It looks like when I’m not signed in, there actually isn’t an option to sign in at all. The only way I can sign in is by either making a new request or registering my interest on another existing one.

Also, there’s no way to see a record of the ideas I’ve submitted until they get added to “Considering”. (because of this I think I’ve accidentally submitted the same idea twice)

And lastly, there’s no way to remove a comment/vote on ideas. I placed a comment on one before I realised it was about Shotgun Create. My comment is now a little off topic, so I’d rather remove or edit it at this point.

Edit: And lastly lastly, is there a way to pin this thread? I find myself losing where it is relatively often.


oh O, now we have to make another feature request to make the submit ideas trackable to avoid submitting the ideas again and again :slight_smile:


Hi @johnny.duguid,

I noticed that my previous post of this was better placed here than under the other post “(Feature Request Board on Shotgun Community?)”

I am reading through these posts on the community site because I find it very hard to keep track of submitted ideas on the shotgunsoftware roadmap.
Having 2 or 3 requests submitted I cant seem to find them back nor keep track of the status.
It also looks like there is no way to see other ideas from users except for when they are being moved to the ‘‘considered’’ tab by the SG team.

What would be the best way to work?
The community site works good for all users to follow along. Making a ticked via support is good for seeing the actual status of your requests. But pushing an idea on the roadmap is what actually should be done?

An example ticked ID that should have a roadmap request assigned to it is: 113833
I noticed an update on this feature group in latest release but cant figure out if my request is implemented, considered and denied or even seen by the SG team.

Could you help us pointing me in the right direction on how we should be working?


Hey all—apologies on the missed replies here.

@Gary—good feedback that I’ve relayed to the team.

In terms of pinning, you can actually bookmark it. Click the ... then the image icon. You can then quickly access your bookmarks by clicking your upper right avatar/profile pic.

@supercool—yeah, agreed that’s pretty annoying and a lacking part of productboard. Relayed this feedback as well.

@BertST—the Product Team has requested that all feature requests and ideas be sent to our roadmap portal on productboard. This is officially the way to submit a feature request. I agree the communication and feedback loop is broken and would ideally be connected across our multiple support pillars (zendesk+this Discourse forum). Until then, submitting ideas to the roadmap portal is your best bet.


My project has several user groups that work with different types of storage: network drive, cloud storage, etc. For convenience, you need to add the ability to select groups in the “Pipeline Configurations List” table for the “User Restrictions” field.

has this team been terminated now?
Autodesk removed your links