Sort Order in Graph Widgets

Hi @PhilFranjo,

You can “Graph by Pipeline Step”, “Sort by Order” and “Group by Status” but that will be combining all Tasks of that Pipeline Step together, and you will see the Status breakdown of that Pipeline Step and not the individual Task Name “group”. This will retain the “order” of your workflow in the display of the graph. So you are correct, unless you have only one Task Name associated with one Pipeline Step, this won’t quite get you where you want, but I would say workflow wise, this is the type of graph clients would use to see a Task Status breakdown. (If anyone has other options, feel free to add your method!)

If you “Graph by Task Name” and “Group by Status”, you lose the option of retaining the workflow order that you get when you “Graph by Pipeline Step” - it is indeed a limitation of graphing by the name.

Head on over to this post to let our Product team know this is something that you would like and perhaps one day, you can see it come to life! The best product ideas are the ones that are accompanied by reasons why/how it would be useful to your production or project.


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