Shotgrid Public Roadmap Page

Is the Shotgrid public roadmap page gone?

This link that previously provided a roadmap of ideas to upvote development ideas:

Now redirects to the 1 year subscription purchase page- which if the roadmap doesn’t exist anymore, is honestly a pretty hilarious and blunt choice.

Upon looking for it, the only relevant page is the ‘What’s New’ documentation that was integrated into the site recently:

and I can only assume replaced the roadmap- but instead of showing upcoming/potential ideas in development, only shows what’s been newly released.

With several problems, features, and ideas that were asked for, voted upon, and discussed in these forums, some outstanding for years, it’s pretty embarrassing to get rid of the public roadmap altogether and highlights a choice by Autodesk to, seemingly, consider and value the community’s input less.


I think having something more public would be great too. We’ve submitted requests to autodesk and if it is a feature rather than a bug, it gets transferred to an internal queue which we have no visibility to and don’t get any updates. We can send follow up tickets asking about the status of those requests specifically, but most/all haven’t been addressed. Being referred to the “what’s new” isn’t helpful because it doesn’t give me any hope that our requests are in any plans. It can be a let-down when I’m excited to finally see the “present” icon lightup in SG indicating new features announced, and then see features that aren’t as impactful as requests we’ve made (customizing a banner color on the site or sending a “new record request” link with prefilled fields might help someone, but aren’t helpful to us). We start to give up hope and look to solve issues with other development/workarounds instead.


If anyone’s curious on what the roadmap looked like, here’s the old link that actually works:

They don’t update it anymore but they used to have tabs for In Development, Ideas to vote on, etc.