Unable to add subscriptions to my current site

Does anyone have a workaround for the inability to link newly-purchased seats to your ShotGrid site, other than waiting 2 days (or more!) for Support to get back to you? I’m logged in as our site owner so I can’t figure out why I can’t link these seats and it’s driving me nuts.

Hi @jlweiss

ShotGrid needs to have all the licenses in the team against which it was linked. Licenses cannot be spread across multiple teams.

I suspect that the new seats that you have purchased have gone into a different team.

If this is the case, only support can move those new seats into the correct team.

At purchase time, the new seats will be automatically put in the most recent team where the purchaser is a primary admin. Creating a new team if needed.

To have a better control as to where the licenses will end up, I would suggest that you ensure that the purchaser of ShotGrid seat is a Primary Admin only on the team with the existing ShotGrid subscriptions.

Yes, this is more a hack than a solution, but this is the best I can offer at this time.


A reasonable suggestion, but ShotGrid created a new team without anyone asking it to, and put the new subscriptions there. Very frustrating, especially since I was logged in as our account owner at the time.

Can I use this workaround (deleting all teams except the one where I want my licenses to go), repurchase, and then get a refund for the seats I can’t use because they’re on a useless team?

Hi @jlweiss

Full disclosure : I am a software developer on ShotGrid. My knowledge of the e-store and related procedures is minimal. So I am not the best person to advise on the refunds part.

I can only suggest that you wait for support to move the subscription into the correct team.


Two days seems excessive to activate users. Especially since I’m paying for 2 days I can’t use.

I totally understand your frustration.

What I meant to say is that I cannot advise you to follow the course you have described. As I have no clue if this will bring you into a state where you will lose more time interacting with support. I am not sure how easy it is to get a refund.


I understand. But this seems like a huge problem and I don’t get why the fix isn’t something that has a bit more urgency behind it. If you can’t add a license the day you need it, we need big warnings about that. And we should also get a 33-day purchase window or something, if two or three days of your subscription are being spent trying to associate it with the correct site. Luckily I have a person on vacation and a person on leave so I could re-purpose their seats until I get it sorted out, but I don’t understand why it defaults to creating a new team that isn’t associated with your site and your existing seats.

Hi @jlweiss

Can you confirm that you now have 37 seats in total ?


Yep! Looks like the subscription’s been moved over.


Apologies for the extra red tape.
