SG Desktop v1.8.0 window disappears on MacOS

Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. Since upgrading to v1.8.0, often times when I navigate out of a Project, the SG Desktop window disappears. I then have to go to the menubar and click the icon 2 or 3 times to get it to reappear.

I don’t want to enable the “always on top” option. But it shouldn’t go away while I’m in the midst of interacting with it. Anyone else seeing this on MacOS Ventura? (13.2)

I hope you are doing great KP! :grinning:
For this one, these steps might be related:

Change to the following directory using cd: /Applications/

Then copy the file to
sudo cp

Restart SG Desktop

Let us know if this fixes your issue - cheers!


Hey Raitch!

That seems to have fixed it so far :raised_hands:, thank you. I should point out the icon wasn’t showing up in the task switcher (command-tab) either and now it is.

This a bug in the desktop engine?

I think it is a result of the installer and was logged then fixed and should be part of the next SG Desktop release. Glad it seems to solve it!
Talk to you soon - cheers! :beers:

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