Clear white background Screen Issue with Maya and ShotGrid on Linux

Hey everyone,

I recently switched to Linux and ran into some issues with Autodesk software. When I open Maya, the window shows up completely blank white bakground, but if I press Ctrl+S to save the scene and then Ctrl+O to open it, Maya starts working normally. It’s not ideal, but I could live with this workaround.

The bigger problem is with ShotGrid. I installed it today, and when I try to log in using the Web Login option, the login window is completely white, so I can not proceed at all.

Does anyone know what could be causing this behavior? Both Maya and ShotGrid are fresh installs on Ubuntu 22.04.


Ubuntu is not a distro that is recommended for use by the VFX Reference Platform / VFX Industry panels.

The recommended future alternative to CentOS is Rocky 8 and Rocky 9.

Thanks for the suggestion! I will look into Rocky Linux, but for now, any fixes for the white background screen issues on Ubuntu would be greatly appreciated!

@Ricardo_Musch ,
Thanks for the suggestion! I will look into Rocky Linux, but for now, any fixes for the white background screen, issues on Ubuntu would be greatly appreciated!

@Ricardo_Musch ,

Thanks for the suggestion! I will look into Rocky Linux, but for now, any fixes for the white background screen, issues on Ubuntu.