Is there any way to view the source file while reviewing in SC like we have in the web interface?
Hey Rohit,
Welcome to the forums, good to see you here. As for your question, there is not a way to download the uploaded Movie file from SG Create like you can in the Client Review site, however the workflow is tailored to the artist/user having access to the location that the path_to_movie
and path_to_frames
are pointing to and you can easily switch between the streaming version and the HQ qt or original frames on disk, much like in screening room for RV.
Check out this video to see how to set a default;
Do your SG Create users have access to a source location?
Hey David,
Since we aren’t using the toolkit functionality most of our review submissions contain files uploaded directly via web or create app. Which I guess go to AWS and then streamed back.
Is there any way to store the uploaded content on our local storage?
Hi Rohit,
Unfortunately no, there is not that current functionality inside the SG Create app. A method that would be needed would be something like the event listener watching for “Uploaded Movies”, then downloading the source file and updating the path_to_movie
field with the location that it downloaded it to.
Are the Artist’s creating the Versions located onsite? Maybe using just the built in Publish tool inside SG Create could help out here?
Thanks David, I’ll try out the publish tool and see if that helps.
Hey Rohit!
Thanks for sending in the questions and feedback! Quick question on this, are your artists adding the content? If so, do they normally have the content stored on a central network location? Or are they grabbing something off of their disk and adding?
I ask, b/c if the version is created in Create, we are automatically storing the path_to_frames (if frames are uploaded) or path_to_movie as well as transcoded. So if they create the version and the media was located on the central storage that path will be added to the version. When you load up in Create it will try to look for that central storage path.
Let me know if that makes sense or not and if that fits the problem you’re trying to solve!
Hi Kevin,
In some cases, artists are uploading the content directly from their disk for review.
What I understand from the conversation above, that’s the main reason why reviewer is not able to see the high res version in create? If artists upload the review files from a centralized server location, that should do the job?
Yeah for Create that’s exactly the case. It should be able to resolve a network path that each artist has access to. (If it doesn’t let us know so we can debug it.) But if the initial path is on their local drive space, it won’t be able to find the file and will default back to the transcoded version on the web.