Upcoming change related to the "Use as another user" feature

Hi everyone,
I wanted to give you advance warning of an upcoming change related to the “Use as another user” feature. This is the feature that lets administrators assume the identity of other users.
With the change, we’ll be adding controls to prevent certain accounts from being the target of this feature. By default, this restriction will apply to all Admin users .
You will be able to choose which users to exclude or include via a new checkbox (“Admins can perform actions as”) on on each user listed on the People page.
​This update is due to go live around the second week of February.


Just to follow up on this- we’re deploying this change early next week. Check out this video to see how it will work:

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The ‘Use as another user’ feature no longer works with ShotGrid Desktop Autodesk authentication. When trying to use as another user it will repeatedly ask me to restart and then login with their username/password. Is there another way I can run a system test on new users?