Hi @philip.scadding,
I managed to get the Toolkit App to show up in the right-click context menu for a Version:
But, I am not 100% confident when I make changes, that the updates are actually making it into what the action is running in the Shotgun web app. After getting this menu to show up on Version entities, I decided to change the init_app method, just to validate if this is what was controlling the entity_type. I changed this to “Playlist” and saved my file.
After several times refreshing the Desktop app and web browser, it is still showing up under Versions. I even tried deleting the ~/Library/Caches/Shotgun folder to completely reset Desktop, but that did not work. Is there a guranteed way to verify that I am actually getting the most recent code with updates and relaunch and not some cached version of the Toolkit app?
When I close the app and refresh the browser, the right-click menu displays the message Toolkit : Retrieving Actions... (click for details)
for 5-10 minutes, or more. That makes the development time very painful. Especially when I am not 100% it’s even getting my new code…
When I execute the code I am getting this message in the output window:
import_framework could not determine the calling module layout! You can only use this method on items imported using the import_module() method!
But, I am not even importing any frameworks. I was at one time, when the menu item first showed up in the menu. But, I have removed the lines that setup the shotgunutils and qtwidgets frameworks:
# the frameworks required to run this app
- {"name": "tk-framework-shotgunutils", "version": "v5.x.x"}
- {"name": "tk-framework-qtwidgets", "version": "v2.x.x"}
Here is my current info.yml file:
# expected fields in the configuration file for this app
type: list
values: {type: shotgun_permission_group}
allows_empty: True
description: "An optional parameter which lets you limit the visibility of this app.
If you for example put in ['Artist'] as the value for this parameter,
any user belonging to the shotgun permissions group Artist will not be
able to see or execute the App."
type: list
values: {type: str}
allows_empty: True
description: "An optional parameter which lets you turn off this app on certain platforms.
If you don't want it to appear on the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit action menu for
a platform, just include it in the the deny_platforms list. Valid values are
Windows, Mac and Linux."
# the Shotgun fields that this app needs in order to operate correctly
# More verbose description of this item
display_name: "Download Image Files"
description: "Application to download Version images."
# Required minimum versions for this item to run
requires_core_version: "v0.13.0"
requires_engine_version: "v0.1.0"
# the engines that this app can operate in:
supported_engines: [tk-shotgun]
Which is essentially just a direct copy of the info.yml from tk-shotgun-folders