Manager Permission Group could not assign an artist to a project.
Update failed for [HumanUser.projects]: User is not permitted to transition from current status (code: shotgun.autodesk_identity.error.status.transition.from)
Manager Permission Group could not assign an artist to a project.
Update failed for [HumanUser.projects]: User is not permitted to transition from current status (code: shotgun.autodesk_identity.error.status.transition.from)
I’m the same
Hi @sichoi
Your screenshot does not show the full ShotGrid page… So a few questions:
view the page as another user
to do the assignment ?-Patrick
Was it possible for your manage permission group users to activate users before you fully switched to Autodesk Identity ?
Did you log in with the Autodesk Identity login or with the ShotGrid login ?
Are you using view the page as another user to do the assignment ?
Did the user being activated have a valid email address ?
Thank you.
Maybe, I did.
This seems to be the same issue.
User’s language setting failed – Shotgun Support (
Thanks for the link,
I will let the process go forward with that ticket.