Until Friday the 14th SG Desktop was working well. Then after clicking a project it hangs. No Details just hang. At one point I got PortBusyError after that still hanging but no error.
ShotGrid Desktop Console file attached
desktop_console.log (17.6 KB)
tk-desktop.log (628.0 KB)
Not sure if this is of any help but seems like your Config points to a Python 2 install on the machine instead of the one shipped with SG Desktop.
launching 'C:\Python27\python.exe' 'C:\Users\nsinghai\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-desktop\v2.6.6\bootstrap.py' '-d' 'c:\users\nsinghai\appdata\local\temp\tmpyabwnb.pkl' '-u' 'C:\Users\nsinghai\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-desktop\v2.6.6\python\utils\bootstrap_utilities.py'
Python 2 is end of life since 01 Jan 2020, things will start malfunctioning the longer it remains being used.
I recently installed python27. Not sure how it reflected in SG Desktop. How to change it without uninstalling python27 ? or How to ensure that installing python27 does not affect shotgun ?
In your toolkit config is there a file like these?