IMPORTANT NOTICE - Upcoming removal of Python 2.7 and 3.7 interpreter in ShotGrid Desktop

Hi everyone,

Wanted to share an update for our plans regarding Python 3.9 support in ShotGrid Desktop. By Updated Date: Jan. 9, 2023, ShotGrid Desktop will ONLY support Python 3.9 , and stop shipping a working copy of the Python 2.7 and Python 3.7 interpreter.

Why is this being done?

We are removing Python 2 for security purposes, to ensure that ShotGrid Desktop is always running on the most secure version of Python recommended by the VFX Reference Platform .

What if I want to keep using an older copy of ShotGrid Desktop?

Clients still running old SG Desktop using Python 2.7, things should still work, but we do not support it so if there are any issues we will not fix them. Clients using new SG Desktop, only Python 3 will work since only Python 3.9 will be included

If you want to download older versions of ShotGrid Desktop that still support Python 2.7 and 3.7, you can grab versions 1.6.1 to 1.7.x here.

I’m ready to leave Python 2 behind, how do I do it?

If you’re using the basic integration, you’re good to go. All our tools are Python 2/3 compliant, so installing a new ShotGrid Desktop that only bundles Python 3 will not be an issue. Note that this change only impacts the ShotGrid Desktop experience. All your DCCs that do not ship with a Python 3.9 interpreter can still be launched from ShotGrid Desktop.

If you’ve customized your ShotGrid projects integrations i.e. using an advanced integration and you are relying on Desktop’s built-in Python interpreter; you may have to make changes before you install the new version. You’ll need to make sure that any application that runs in the tk-desktop engine, either at the project or site level, is compatible with Python 3.9.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions, here or through support.

The ShotGrid Ecosystem Team


Can we use Py3.9 on SG right now?
SG desktop is still on 3.7.11 and the python install that comes with It is still on 3.7, even after updating everything.

Hi @guilhermecasagrandi

Latest versions of toolkit core, apps, engines, frameworks and Python API are already supporting Python 3.9.

But Python version included in SG Desktop will only gets updated on November 1st 2022. This is to give enough time to our clients to get ready for the removal of Python 2.


Hi Warren,

question regarding desktop update,
all our DCC’s are 2.7 and our desktop is python 2.7
so if we update to python 3
will it still support all the dcc’s running 2.7 and 3.7
we are adding DCC’s which are running 3.7 and hence the qestion,

would be great to know


Based on his post @cloud all of the ShotGrid Toolkit tools are python 2/3 compatible. So you should be fine continuing to use DCCs that use py2.7 or 3.7. This change seems to only apply to the version of python ShotGrid Desktop will be running.

This does however mean that any custom hooks / apps you’ve created for ShotGrid Toolkit that may execute from ShotGrid Desktop need to support Python 3.9. You could check this now by running ShotGrid Desktop with the environment variable SHOTGUN_PYTHON_VERSION set to 3. If your config loads fine under these conditions it will certainly work when ShotGrid Desktop is released with 3.9 only support.

Hi Dan,

thanks for the info, and it seems to be working i ran shotgrid desktop with python set to 3,
it changed the desktop vesrion to 3 , and the DCC’s which were runing 2.7 works fine


Wanted to update everyone to let you know the ShotGrid team has extended the time before the deprecation of Python 2.x in ShotGrid Desktop from Nov. 1, 2022 to the new date…

Jan. 09, 2023

Between now and then, you will see a banner in the ShotGrid Desktop UI reminding you of this deprecation on Jan. 09, so please be sure to update your version of Python to 3.9 before this time.

Hi @warren.trezevant, :wave:

Any thoughts on providing a RockyLinux8 or CentOS8-compatible release? (or an option that doesn’t embed a specific interpreter.)

I was able to get the latest SG Desktop running in Rocky by extracting the CentOS7 rpm and hijacking the and embedded Python install to a 3.7.11 recompiled specifically for Rocky8.

I was really hoping to hijack it to 3.9 directly but there is a file with no apparent source code in sight that is specifically linked against libpython3.7 so I couldn’t. Any chance you could provide source for that one so we could have full control on the Python version?

Thank you,
– Alan


Did this happen? I don’t see any SG Desktop update posted yet. Is it still happening today?
