Sgtk/tk-core module GUI not working with python 3.11

I have tools made in python3.8 which are using Flow Production Tracking core platform, v0.21.8 — tk-core v0.21.8 documentation module. This module is used for authentication and shows GUI when calling its get_user() function of class

*class* sgtk.authentication.ShotgunAuthenticator(*defaults_manager=None* )

However, when upgrading tools to python 3.11, the same function does not open GUI authentication but opens up in terminal. I want to know is there any other autodesk library I should be using for authentication in python 3.11 or there is something I am missing in this library that it is not working with python 3.11?. Any help would be appreciated.

I am tried using sgtk==0.21.7 and sgtk==0.21.8 for python 3.11.