In RV, when I create annotations on a frame and then submit a note, it used to automatically attach all the annotated frames to the note but for some reason it is no longer doing that.
I’ve tested this in RV 7.7.0 and 7.7.1.
There doesn’t seem to be any other way to attach an annotated frame to a note besides either exporting the frames and attaching them or individually attaching screen shots of the frames. Neither of these is a good solution and our producers are most unhappy.
Did this feature get removed for some reason? Is there a way to get it back?
I’m sorry for the problem!
Is this happening on every annotated frame or some of them?
Are you using the Cuts feature of SG Review? Otherwise would you consider using Screening Room? We’ve been putting most of our integration development into Screening Room lately. While it isn’t our intent to have made SG Review break, I’m offering it as a ‘what would get people working immediately’ solution.
Our big issue with Screening Room is there doesn’t seem to be a way to save a .rv file (or create one from scratch) that contains all the links to Shotgun entities.
For example, we have a review script that goes through a project or playlist and assembles a .rv file for it and sets all the correct LUTs and handles so that leads and producers can quickly assemble a full review session. That script also puts the Shotgun ID fields into the .rv file.
So then in RV we can simply run SG Review’s Initialize Shotgun and it properly links to the information about all those versions. Moreover, a lead could make tweaks and changes to that rv project and save it before presenting to a Producer.
I realize this is getting off topic but the move away from supporting SG Review has been really frustrating for us.
Oh, and to answer your question, we have not successfully gotten any annotated frames to be attached to notes. We tried on a couple different versions on the same project. Both in shared RV sessions (which is the main selling point for our Producers right now) and in a solo RV session.