I’d like to be able to access my playlist page by seeing a tab alongside ‘shots’ etc for each project. Can anyone advise how I set this?
Hi @muiisal
Welcome to the Community!
The first step is to ensure your playlist page exists for the project you want to add the playlist tab to. I’ll usually create global pages whereby I can see all projects and then I’ll save a copy of it to a project. To save a page to a project, i.e. ‘testt’
Under ‘Project Actions’ in the top right corner of a project on any page, select ‘Navigation’ from the drop-down menu.
Drag and drop the tab you would like to bring up to the navigation in the order you would like, in this case ‘All Playlists’. Any tab that is already visible in the Navigation menu bar will be greyed out below, i.e. ‘Deliveries.’ Then select ‘Save’ to save your navigation menu for the project.
Hope this helps.
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