Send baked url?

I want to take advantage of existing open rv instance to relaunch the new mov when user selects Play in rv from the shotgun in browser.

so if I use

rv rvlink:// -reuse 1 <path_to_mov> .

it does not work on linux for me.

I have tried it , rv opens with unable to decode error in rv console .

Am I doing something wrong ?

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Hi @supercool,

The baked path is hex encoded. In python it is pretty easy to build this like this:

>>> print "rvlink://baked/%s" % "-reuse 1 path_to_mov".encode('hex')

When launching in RV, you can see the output of it decoding the baked url:

INFO: received URL 'rvlink://baked/2d7265757365203120706174685f746f5f6d6f76'
INFO: decoded URL 'rvlink://-reuse 1 path_to_mov'

Alternatively, you can use RV’s -bakeURL argument to produce one from command-line arguments:

Michaels-MacBook-Pro:~ kesslem$ /Applications/ -reuse path_to_url -bakeURL
INFO: command line for baking ' -reuse path_to_url'
Baked URL: rvlink://baked/202d726575736520706174685f746f5f75726c


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Hi @supercool,

That’s the URL that is generated for the Shotgun integration to open a version in RV (thanks omitting your actual server url)

Essentially it is calling the Mu commands to start up a new session with that version.