RV on windows server segmentation fault

I’m trying to run RV on a cloud based windows server 2022 workstation.
When I try to run either 2022.0.0 or 2023.0.1, I get the following :

PS C:\Program Files\ShotGrid\RV-2023.0.1\bin> ./rv.exe
PS C:\Program Files\ShotGrid\RV-2023.0.1\bin> INFO: Using 'C:\Users\pmacdonald' for $HOME.
PS C:\Program Files\ShotGrid\RV-2023.0.1\bin> xe
PS C:\Program Files\ShotGrid\RV-2023.0.1\bin> 2:26 (HEAD=e92a51fd2). (L)
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QWindowsEGLContext: Failed to create context, eglError: 3004, this: 0x17a717ae6d0
WARNING: missing doc directory in bundle
WARNING: missing html directory in bundle
Segmentation fault

Has anyone else had issues with RV on windows server 2022?