RV not launching from Shotgun anymore

Greetings again,

I have recently upgraded to Mac 0S 10.15.5 Catalina. Now RV 7.7.1 will not launch from SG anymore.

If I have RV open it will work, but it will not launch RV anymore if it is currently not open.


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Hi Daniel,

Can you try running RV from the command-line with -registerHandler to try to re-register the handler?

To do this, go to your terminal and run:

/Applications/RV.app/Contents/MacOS/RV -registerHandler

Once you do that, does it reassociate it with the rvlink protocol?



I was so hoping that was it.

Same. It bounces once in the Dock then nothing.


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Can you check the console app and see if there are any cash logs unde User Reports around the times you are trying?

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I am lost in the new Catalina console…

Aug 14 10:57:24 wb-animation-f5kd20fbk7gf Google Chrome[5656]: BUG in libdispatch: 19F101 - 274 - 0xf
Aug 14 10:57:24 wb-animation-f5kd20fbk7gf com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.tweaksoftware.RV.3600[36215]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug 14 10:58:02 wb-animation-f5kd20fbk7gf com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.mdworker.shared.0F000000-0300-0000-0000-000000000000[36205]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[133]

That’s strange, so it bounces once when you launch from Shotgun, but not when launching interactively?

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It launches from the dock fine.
When I launch from SG without a current RV session open it bounces once then nothing.
When I have it open it usually works, just opens in the fresh RV session.
If I only have an empty RV session open it seems to always work.

Lots of times it wont load when I have a current RV session open. THrows a bunch of errors in the RV console. Seems like the contexts between the 2 RV session are not playing nice.

My session IS validated with our server.

ERROR: Toolkit initialization failed. Please authenticate RV with your Shotgun server and restart.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/RV.app/Contents/PlugIns/Python/sgtk_bootstrap.py”, line 308, in initialize_toolkit
File “/Users/deaton/Library/Caches/Shotgun/wba/site.rv_review/cfg/install/core/python/tank/bootstrap/manager.py”, line 481, in bootstrap_engine
engine = self._start_engine(tk, engine_name, entity)
File “/Users/deaton/Library/Caches/Shotgun/wba/site.rv_review/cfg/install/core/python/tank/bootstrap/manager.py”, line 1155, in _start_engine
engine = tank.platform.start_engine(engine_name, tk, ctx)
File “/Users/deaton/Library/Caches/Shotgun/wba/site.rv_review/cfg/install/core/python/tank/platform/engine.py”, line 2811, in start_engine
return _start_engine(engine_name, tk, None, context)
File “/Users/deaton/Library/Caches/Shotgun/wba/site.rv_review/cfg/install/core/python/tank/platform/engine.py”, line 2936, in _start_engine
“tank.platform.current_engine().destroy().” % current_engine())
TankError: An engine () is already running! Before you can start a new engine, please shut down the previous one using the command tank.platform.current_engine().destroy().

INFO: Queued events waited 0.287109 seconds.
INFO: Processing event ‘external-gma-play-entity’ 0.305664 seconds after startup.

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