RV media streaming : unsupported media type error

Hi, after we launch browser in RV and then swap media to “play streaming”, and we got an error. we can’t play media.

Error message in RV Console:
ERROR: Open of 'https://xxxxxxx.shotgunstudio.com/file_serve/version/######/mp4' failed: unsupported media type.

Error message in RV view:
Could not locate "https://xxxxxxx.shotgunstudio.com/file_serve/version/######/mp4". Relocate source to fix.

Thank you,

Hi Paniti!

Does the version play properly in the web app (overlay player or web Screening Room)?


Hi desruie,

Yes. web app (Screening Room) is play properly, but we have to use RV (Shotgrid Browser) to review and use some features from RV e.g. export media.

Have you any advice for us .

Thank you,

Hello !

We have the same thing happening because we are doing our own transcoding and only uploading webm files.
So the version plays fine in the web app while the Streaming mode is not working in RV : the SG package is looking specifically for an mp4 attachment (and even if you were to hack it to look for the webm instead, RV wouldn’t be able to play it)

You can check if that’s your case by testing the following urls in a web browser :

  • <site_url>/file_serve/version/<version_id>/mp4 (result would be “Version does not have an attachment for the provided format.”)
  • <site_url>/file_serve/version/<version_id>/webm (version would play)
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Hello, we also have this issue happening while going through an nginx proxy.
Do you have any configuration settings you can suggest to try?

We found that using these SSL protocols would cause the issue:
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;

Any suggested protocols to use instead?

What version of RV are you using?

Hi Michael, version 7.2.6, though we support a number of other versions.
From the ones we use, only the following versions work with those versions of TLS:

  • 7.3.0
  • 7.3.1
  • 7.3.2
  • 7.3.3
  • 7.3.4
  • 2021.0.2
  • 2021.0.3.4846cb8

@autodesk, this is why its useful to have the old-style of release notes, now it just links to this forum.

@Paulo, I can’t find the release notes for 7.3.0, but I believe that’s when they upgraded the Python version and TLS, those older versions of RV don’t support newer TLS and ShotGrid removed support for old TLS.

TLDR; your pre-7.3.0 are using outdated security and probably shouldn’t be used to begin with.

What about for versions above 2021.0.3? We’re seeing the same issue there.