Row Formatting Not Saving

I have an artist who has made a custom page for himself. He saved a bunch of formatting rules using the More > Format All Rows > Change Row Color with Rules option. Everything worked as expected, but once the user logs out and back in, the formatting options are gone. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


Hi @riddle,

Welcome to the community and thanks for posting!

Itā€™s an expected behavior here I think as by default users on Artists permission role do not have permission to save page layout and color formatting changes on any shared pages.

You could check the following permission option on Artists permission role under Permission-People->Artists->Advanced:



Thanks I can check those out. That second setting is pretty misleading in this case. I donā€™t want anyone to be able to edit pages made by other people, I just want someone to be able to save the formatting on a page they made for themselves, in this case, not shared with anyone.


Hi @riddle, thank you for the feedback, and sorry for the confusion. Unfortunately, there isnā€™t a way to save layout/formatting on pages so only specific users see them. If youā€™d like them visible to only the user that made them, that would need to happen per session without saving the page. You can, however, create views on a page that are visible to specific permission groups. For instance, if the formatting rules are useful to all Artists, the view the formatting is visible on can be made only visible to Artists. Hereā€™s some more information on how to create views:

Note that users can also typically adjust the layout/formatting on a page, and then ā€œsave asā€ so that the page is private to them. However, we usually steer towards making meaningful pages that are shared with the team or groups of users to help streamline what everyone sees (so everyone is seeing the same info, and they see important layout changes admins have applied to shared pages). But you do have the ability to create private pages that can only be seen by the users who created them.

We welcome your feedback via our public roadmap, if you still feel layout/formatting functionality needs improvement:



Understood. I guess itā€™s just weird that a custom page, not shared with anyone else, wouldnā€™t be able to save custom formatting, without making it so that all custom pages shared with permission groups open themselves to being edited by anyone in those groups. Iā€™m not really asking for user-based permissions on a page, Iā€™m just asking that a page be allowed to save itā€™s formatting without opening up all custom pages to editing.

I guess I will test if thereā€™s a workaround here- enabling that permission option, setting the formatting, and then disabling it?


@riddle, if weā€™re talking about a custom page that is private (only seen by the person who created it), then any layout/formatting changes made to that page and saved are only visible on that page, to that user. This is pretty similar to this case:

We just recommend applying layout changes that can benefit the team on shared pages, when possible (as a best practice), but understand that there are definitely cases where private pages are useful.

Is this helpful for your case? Is the user able to ā€œSave Asā€ on the shared page, and have their layout/formatting changes stick after saving?



Ahha! We were not hitting Save As after making our changes. I just assumed the ā€œSaveā€ in the formatting dialog was doing the trick. Thanks for your help.


No problem! and exactly.

For anyone readingā€”youā€™ll need to make sure to save the page (outside of the formatting rules getting applied) in order for the changes to stick. So save the page from the page (modified) dropdown:

Just to further clarify for readers, on shared pages Artists typically do not have the permissions to save over them. But they should have the ability to ā€œsave asā€ to make it a private page, only available to them.