New RV vs old RV - edits are gone entirely

Hello all I am the pipeline TD at @Aurore’s studio, I think I can help illuminate some of issues we have been having. (:wave: @Patrick )

We have a pretty straightforward RV setup. We launch from ShotGrid and the only custom config we have is a automatic OCIO profile loader. (see attached)

Issue #1: is that RV turns off channel vieweing when OCIO is turned on. I raised a ticket about this last year (Request #123573) which seems to have been incorrectly marked as complete. I have attached a gif to show what happens.

Issue #2: Now I havent seen the toolset to which Aurore is reffering to as that was in another studio, but the way I see it Cut playback in RV should solve this problem. Playing back artist versions and comparing to the plate and client cut reference is all part of the cut playback tool. Cut playback is available on the website but I just cant seem to get it to appear in RV.

I have seen other people in the community have this issue as well:

In my ticket for the issue (Request #123328) the support staff who replied to that ticket linked me to a reported issue (SG-20549). However I have not been able to track the progress of this issue?

rv_settings (1).py (3.1 KB)

2022-03-08 19.20.37