Our CG artists are dedicated to one aspect of a shot so whatever they version, is their version and it’s not handed off to another artist for completion.
Any imagery created that’s handed off to a Compositor from another department is versioned, so at this point, there’s sharing happening from the CG artist to the Compositors.
If a Houdini Artist renders something on the farm, there’s the Deadline render log that contains [scene name, scene version, scene path & the all the info from the output from that scene].
After the Houdini Artist QC’s their renders in RV, they could have the option to SG Publish the imagery they created along with the scene that was used.
I have a mechanism in place in my custom [SubmitHoudiniToDeadline.py] that forces the app to save the scene prior to hitting the submit to Deadline button and after the job has been successfully submitted, the Artist is prompted to version up, after the scene has been submitted for render. When the Artist chooses to version up [and they’re instructed to version up on each submission] the SGTK “File Save” feature is executed so they’re versioning up via SGTK and not through Houdini.
Technically all the information is there in the Deadline log to collect what’s necessary for a scene and image seq SGTK Publish.
“This only covers simple situations. What happens if you’ve submitted a render for review of lookdev, and the publish actually needs to export objects from within your scene? In that case you would still need to go back to the DCC after reviewing the file to publish the scene, Version, and shader definitions, caches, etc. It’s at this point I ask “is it worth the hassle?”…”
I concur somewhat on this point, but it’s a catch 22 here. You submit a lookdev render to the farm, wait however long it takes to render and at the completion of the render, do you still have your scene opened in your DCC, waiting to SGTK Publish your scene, shader definitions, caches, [what you just rendered], etc.
Would be cool if there was a SGTK “Create Manifest” of an entire scene file [kinda how the SGTK Publish collectors works] and that generates a metadata file with everything found [the manifest file could be saved by the scene file and versioned like the scene file]. If performing an external SGTK Publish like I’m wanting to do [e.g. via RV, Deadline, etc…] you wouldn’t need to have a DCC opened, because the Manifest would be parsed at Publish time and the collected Assets would be published.
Not sure how feasible this would be but in my head it sounds good.