Shotgun Review for RV, Screening Room for RV, Shotgun Toolkit... WHICH ONE IS IT?

We are very very very confused as to why we cannot launch any cuts in RV. :confused:


All the pages I come across have conflicting info that does not match to what I see in RV’s packages viewer…

For example:

In RV 2021 there is no such package called Shotgun Review

This page contains info that seems no longer relevant

The Shotgun “Play in RV” button on the cuts pages is greyed out and mentions
"rv won't properly play cuts if shotgun review for rv is disabled"

I have gone through the settings multiple times, switching things on and off but I cannot get this button to work…

It seems like it’s currently a bit of a mess… can someone please guide us to a current document on how to make RV Launch from the cuts page???

This is what RV 2021.0.2’s package viewer looks like, no Shotgun for RV package to be found…:


Hey Ricardo,
I’m sorry I can’t help you directly. We are trying to figure this out as well.

All I know is, that SG Review has been deprecated in RV 7.9. and until we can figure out how to incorporate cutItem support in RV 2021 we are using RV 7.8

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Yeah it seems to be very messy atm…

Any idea where I can download RV 7.8? (Windows)

Bumping this, looks like it still hasn’t been fixed. I’ll submit a support ticket as well.

What are you not able to do with the latest release?

@Ricardo_Musch when you view a cut, and you click on the action menu, you will see that Play in RV is still greyed out. Mousing over it gives the following:

"RV won't properly play cuts if Shotgun review for RV is disabled"

If we should use Screening Room for RV instead, that’s fine, but having the Play in RV functionality disabled is confusing to the end user. Perhaps remove it entirely if that’s the eventual goal?