Issue with Create New File from SG File Open

Hi guys,
I am not sure how to fix the issue with SG File Open - Create a New File.
From the warning window after clicked on New File from File Open SG:

Failed to complete 'New File' action:

Context changed failed, see log for details.

The error:

// Error: SG tk-multi-workfiles2: Tried to resolve a path from the template <Sgtk TemplatePath shot_work_area_maya: shots/{Sequence}/{Shot}/{Step}/work/{user}/maya> and a set of input fields '{'Shot': 'Elephant', 'Step': 'anim', 'user': 'lukasb'}' but the following required fields were missing from the input: ['Sequence']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/app_store/tk-multi-workfiles2/v0.13.0/python/tk_multi_workfiles/actions/", line 144, in change_context
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/platform/", line 114, in change_context
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/platform/", line 843, in change_context
    self.post_context_change(old_context, new_context)
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/app_store/tk-maya/v0.11.1/", line 548, in post_context_change
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/app_store/tk-maya/v0.11.1/", line 844, in _set_project
    proj_path = tmpl.apply_fields(fields)
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/", line 260, in apply_fields
    return self._apply_fields(fields, platform=platform)
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/", line 604, in _apply_fields
    fields, ignore_types, platform, skip_defaults=skip_defaults
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/", line 308, in _apply_fields
    "from the input: %s" % (self, fields, missing_keys)
tank.errors.TankError: Tried to resolve a path from the template <Sgtk TemplatePath shot_work_area_maya: shots/{Sequence}/{Shot}/{Step}/work/{user}/maya> and a set of input fields '{'Shot': 'Elephant', 'Step': 'anim', 'user': 'lukasb'}' but the following required fields were missing from the input: ['Sequence'] // 
// Warning: file: /usr/autodesk/maya2022/scripts/others/supportRenderers.mel line 67: The renderer "arnold" used by this scene, is not currently available. The "mayaSoftware" renderer will be used instead. To prevent this message from being displayed in the future, set the environment variable: MAYA_NO_WARNING_FOR_MISSING_DEFAULT_RENDERER=1 // 
// Error: SG tk-multi-workfiles2: Failed to complete 'New File' action
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/app_store/tk-multi-workfiles2/v0.13.0/python/tk_multi_workfiles/actions/", line 144, in change_context
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/platform/", line 114, in change_context
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/platform/", line 843, in change_context
    self.post_context_change(old_context, new_context)
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/app_store/tk-maya/v0.11.1/", line 548, in post_context_change
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/app_store/tk-maya/v0.11.1/", line 844, in _set_project
    proj_path = tmpl.apply_fields(fields)
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/", line 260, in apply_fields
    return self._apply_fields(fields, platform=platform)
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/", line 604, in _apply_fields
    fields, ignore_types, platform, skip_defaults=skip_defaults
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/core/python/tank/", line 308, in _apply_fields
    "from the input: %s" % (self, fields, missing_keys)
tank.errors.TankError: Tried to resolve a path from the template <Sgtk TemplatePath shot_work_area_maya: shots/{Sequence}/{Shot}/{Step}/work/{user}/maya> and a set of input fields '{'Shot': 'Elephant', 'Step': 'anim', 'user': 'lukasb'}' but the following required fields were missing from the input: ['Sequence']

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/app_store/tk-multi-workfiles2/v0.13.0/python/tk_multi_workfiles/actions/", line 120, in execute
  File "/media/vis/sg/tk/ramp/install/app_store/tk-multi-workfiles2/v0.13.0/python/tk_multi_workfiles/actions/", line 148, in change_context
    raise TankError("Context changed failed, see log for details.")
tank.errors.TankError: Context changed failed, see log for details. // 

I have this issue only at one project, so the others are OK.
Also I tried to get sequence from engine (sgtk.platform.current_engine()) but it seems, that it does not print it at all or I could do something wrong.

Has anyone had this issue before with the Sequence or do you know how to debug this issue?


Is your Shot linked to a Sequence? This is the most likely problem.
Otherwise it could be your file schema under ./config/core/schema that incorrectly references the Sequence.

In the end we found the issue. Someone did mess up with th filesystem locations (paths) (registered on SG\ web) of the shots etc. Anyway, thanks for the idea what to check. :slight_smile: