Failed to complete 'New File' action

I am setting up a shotgun desktop for the first time using tk-config-default2-master. In core/sehema we are creating the folder structure we need. After running maya, if you click ‘New File’ in ‘File Open’, the following warning appears. And File save disappears from the ShotGrid menu.
What’s wrong? Thanks for letting us know.


Were you able to solve it? I’m having the same problem.

The message says “See log for details.” What does the log say?
Chances are, one of the hooks failed.

Thanks for the answer @mmoshev !

 Error: SG tk-multi-workfiles2: Failed to change the work area to model_draft, Asset propTestGeneral!
// Traceback (most recent call last):
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\app_store\tk-multi-workfiles2\v0.13.3\python\tk_multi_workfiles\actions\", line 126, in change_context
//     sgtk.platform.change_context(ctx)
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\core\python\tank\platform\", line 114, in change_context
//     engine.change_context(new_context)
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\core\python\tank\platform\", line 843, in change_context
//     self.post_context_change(old_context, new_context)
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\app_store\tk-maya\v0.11.4\", line 550, in post_context_change
//     self._set_project()
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\app_store\tk-maya\v0.11.4\", line 846, in _set_project
//     proj_path = tmpl.apply_fields(fields)
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\core\python\tank\", line 260, in apply_fields
//     return self._apply_fields(fields, platform=platform)
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\core\python\tank\", line 603, in _apply_fields
//     relative_path = super(TemplatePath, self)._apply_fields(
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\core\python\tank\", line 305, in _apply_fields
//     raise TankError(
// tank.errors.TankError: Tried to resolve a path from the template <Sgtk TemplatePath asset_work_area_maya: asset/{Asset}/{Step}/{task_name}/v{version}> and a set of input fields '{'Asset': 'propTestGeneral', 'Step': 'model', 'task_name': 'model_draft'}' but the following required fields were missing from the input: ['version']
// During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
// Traceback (most recent call last):
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\app_store\tk-multi-workfiles2\v0.13.3\python\tk_multi_workfiles\actions\", line 42, in execute
//     FileAction.change_context(self.environment.context)
//   File "T:\lb_dev\fcrespo\projects_code\configs\tech_tests\install\app_store\tk-multi-workfiles2\v0.13.3\python\tk_multi_workfiles\actions\", line 129, in change_context
//     raise TankError("Context changed failed, see log for details.")
// tank.errors.TankError: Context changed failed, see log for details.

So the workfiles app did not provide a version field for the path template.
Not sure, I thought it passed 1 as the default version.

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Thank you so much, you think that’s the only problem?
Because reading somethings I though probably also could be the that the schema has changed since the folders were registered so I need to unregister the folders…

That’s what the error message is about.
If there are further errors, they might appear once you fix this one.

Thank you so much @mmoshev ! :blush: