Integrating Shotgun into Premiere Workaround

I got it working. There are a few typos in the wiki of that repo that causes the engine to fail to load.
(missing ; and } )
I also had to run 2to3 on some of the modules.
So… it works!
I’m not trying to debug window parenting. Currently the SG windows aren’t getting parented to the premier window. Has anyone any experience getting this to work? Without having a python console in Premier, it’s hard for me to debug the code being used to get the premier hwnd.
If I run the code from the (_win32_get_proxy_window()) from a SG Python console it does appear to return a hwnd for my premier window, but for some reason, when premier launches, I’m getting an error which suggests the engine isn’t able to get the hwnd on startup as it’s erroring with

                "not be parented to Premiere, but they will still function "
                "properly otherwise."

which suggests the _win32_get_proxy_window() method is returning None.

This is my test code which does return a hwnd, but I can’t verify the same result in Premier. Can anyone suggest how to proceed to debug this?

import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, r"C:\cache\sg\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-framework-adobe\v1.1.6\python")
import tk_framework_adobe_utils.win_32_api
found_hwnds=tk_framework_adobe_utils.win_32_api.find_windows(class_name="Premiere Pro", stop_if_found=True,)
_WIN32_PREMIER_MAIN_HWND = found_hwnds[0]

I have it working. I spent quite some time debugging the old build, and adopting the code to python3.
The framework “tk-framework-adobe-ppro” also should be updated including rebuilding Adobe CEP.
And finally, one more problem appeared, when you’re able to only run any toolkit application in premier or ae once. After that, it stops responding. Basically what happens is that the event server stops. Now I have to force it to start back again by injecting in every app hook before doing anything.


Otherwise both premier and ae stop being able to run any app.
Hope that helps anyone.

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This was an interesting read, and I’ mtrying to learn how to integrate Premiere into Shotgrid. I am getting the following error when launching Premiere. Could you help me out ?

2023-07-16 20:01:59,579 [   ERROR] [PROXY] Error calling __commands::adobe_premiere_pro((), {}):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-desktop\v2.6.7\python\tk_desktop\", line 225, in _trigger_callback
    callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\sreyeeshgarimella\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\kavaleer\p122c364.basic.desktop\cfg\install\core\python\tank\platform\", line 1083, in callback_wrapper
    return callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-multi-launchapp\v0.12.2\python\tk_multi_launchapp\", line 130, in launch_version
  File "C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-multi-launchapp\v0.12.2\python\tk_multi_launchapp\", line 397, in _launch_callback
  File "C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-multi-launchapp\v0.12.2\python\tk_multi_launchapp\", line 189, in _launch_app
    (prepped_path, prepped_args) = prepare_launch_for_engine(
  File "C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-multi-launchapp\v0.12.2\python\tk_multi_launchapp\", line 44, in prepare_launch_for_engine
    launcher = sgtk.platform.create_engine_launcher(
  File "C:\Users\sreyeeshgarimella\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\kavaleer\p122c364.basic.desktop\cfg\install\core\python\tank\platform\", line 88, in create_engine_launcher
    raise TankError(
tank.errors.TankError: Cannot create tk-premiere software launcher! tk-premiere Undefined does not exist on disk.
Cannot create tk-premiere software launcher! tk-premiere Undefined does not exist on disk.

Seems like the engine does not exist on disk or not in the right location.

How are you pointing to the engine?

@Ricardo_Musch Thanks for the reply so I found the original error :

. ```
2023-07-16 21:29:46,948 [ ERROR] [PROXY] Error calling __commands::adobe_premiere_pro((), {}):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-desktop\v2.6.7\python\tk_desktop\”, line 225, in _trigger_callback
callback(*args, **kwargs)
File “C:\Users\sreyeeshgarimella\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\kavaleer\p122c364.basic.desktop\cfg\install\core\python\tank\platform\”, line 1083, in callback_wrapper
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
File “C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-multi-launchapp\v0.12.2\python\tk_multi_launchapp\”, line 130, in launch_version
File “C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-multi-launchapp\v0.12.2\python\tk_multi_launchapp\”, line 397, in _launch_callback
File “C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-multi-launchapp\v0.12.2\python\tk_multi_launchapp\”, line 189, in _launch_app
(prepped_path, prepped_args) = prepare_launch_for_engine(
File “C:\Program Files\Shotgun\Resources\Desktop\Python\bundle_cache\app_store\tk-multi-launchapp\v0.12.2\python\tk_multi_launchapp\”, line 44, in prepare_launch_for_engine
launcher = sgtk.platform.create_engine_launcher(
File “C:\Users\sreyeeshgarimella\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\kavaleer\p122c364.basic.desktop\cfg\install\core\python\tank\platform\”, line 88, in create_engine_launcher
raise TankError(
tank.errors.TankError: Cannot create tk-premiere software launcher! tk-premiere Undefined does not exist on disk.

For some reason it's going to a hard coded path in the descriptor

hi, @Ricardo_Musch Just wanted to follow up on this one. I set the path to that user on my machine and Premiere launches now. The weird part is I can’t see the panels

Has anyone had any issue getting the shotgun panel to show up in premiere pro 2024

There are no issues, all works fine (once you make it work of course)

People are having so many issues with premiere integration, that I think I’ll make a github fork with the working one or pull some changes to make the engine work out of the box. I will try to make it at the beginning of this year.

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Did you have to manually add all the pipeline config settings to have the loader available at project/sequence level?
What kind of workflows have people enabled using the engine? eg can you use it for bringing in plates and generating shots/sequences/episodes from your timeline?

We use premiere in a shot that we call “edit” with one task that is also called “edit”. So loader works in the task as it should by default. The engine is bare bones. All the functionality you have to create yourself.

This is all feasible as long as the Premiere API (Javascript) supports it.

The Loader is relatively easy to set up with a different type of list to show things like Episodes, Sequences or just project level things, depending on what you want to see and filter.

Thanks Ricardo, I think I’ve got that well under way now.
As far as ingest goes, does anyone use Premiere for this these days? or is it either bespoke or Hiero workflows typically?
For a Premiere workflow, I’d typically want to :-

  • Label clips on a sequence timeline.
  • publish
  • SG create shots based on clip names.
  • SG copy/move or transcode clips to shot folders.
  • SG create sequence/episode based on timeline sequence name.
  • Optionally record any color config to SG.
    I’m unsure whether this workflow would be worth the engineering effort to implement in Premiere or whether I should just go down the bespoke app or Hiero path…
    Another option might be to have a plates folder which I can export directly to from Premiere and then use the tk-shotgun-publishrenders app.
    Some context, I’m working for a studio that typically uses adobe tools, so I’d prefer to stick in that ecosystem if possible, but I’d probably be happier developing something in Hiero myself.

Tools with a more proper and mature api, like Hiero are going to provide a better workflow.
However a lot of client side editing (and even VFX vendor side editing) is done in Premiere so if its feasible and preferable to go that route then that makes sense.

All these things are certainly easier and more stable in an App with a built in Python API vs aDOBE Tools where toolkit runs in a bridge process due to lack of Native Python api.

But again, some things may make a lot of sense to engineer into Premiere.

Thanks again Ricardo,
That chimes with my thinking!