Premiere Integration

I noticed that Premiere isn’t listed on any of the Shotgun road maps that I have seen, I know there is an unofficial Premiere engine and that will be my starting point when I do try and implement Shotgun for Premiere, but I was wondering if or at all will there be an official Premiere integration? As it’s not listed in the considering part of the road map?



Hi Ross –

We don’t have Premiere on the roadmap currently, though there’s definitely been lots of interest for it.

I’m assuming the “unofficial Premiere engine” you’re referring to is the one mentioned in this post; correct me if I’m wrong.

If you do want to go the path of rolling your own, some useful links:

And as I said, we do know there’s demand for a Premiere engine, but if you want to add your voice, you can always submit an idea on our Roadmap page.


I’m sure all the Adobe based shops would appreciate an official Premiere Pro engine. That would be handy.