Is there any Python API support for the import cut tool in RV?
Is there any Python API support for the import cut tool in RV?
Hey @mharris!
Outside of outlining the specifics of how the cut schema is organized on a per-entity and per-field basis, there are no API specific cut functions for ingesting/reading of cut info. You can read more about the cut schema here:
Hi @brandon.foster, I was thinking more along the lines of the Python commands built in to leverage off reading an EDL file and using the timing information to chop up a Sequence QuickTime file then automate creating the Shots.
Have you looked into OpenTimelineIO at all?
They have quite good support for most EDL formats as well as rv_sessions and more!
Those sort of functions aren’t a part of the Shotgun API. @Ahuge’s suggestion sounds like the best way to go.