Forcing Local File Linking only? Remove ability to Upload?

Hello! I’ve modified my tk-multi2-publisher to only do local file linking, and handle our own transcoding of web playable content for movie files on our render farm.

Is there a way to force local file linking only on our Shotgun webpage? Or at least remove the ability to upload?

I’ll have a AMI that will give the option to send a locally linked file to our render farm for a web transcode if it wasn’t added from our Publisher, but want to limit any and all uploading to our instance. It will be very confusing for our users.

I can block the creation of versions for a user group… but then they’re obviously unable to use Publisher.

Thank you!

You ever get a response on this? I want to remove the ability for users to upload anything as we work entirely off existing cloud asset servers

You can take over the creation dialog for any entity and run an AMI instead so yuou can completely customize the experience if you want.

I am unable to remove the upload tab. Please explain how?

I think we need to understand a bit more about your workflow.
How are your artists publishing files?

This is for production only, no artists. Seems overkill to make a completely new action menu item rather than just be able to hide those tabs, but I will check it out.

You can certainly hide the whole tab but not one of the 3 options.

Not sure what you mean?

I want those two “tabs” to go away. There is nothing to remove them. And making an entire AMI seems stupidly overkill.

Simply want production to link files ONLY from the server; removing the tabs forces that. Otherwise its now a Human management moment. Rather manage that from the tool layer instead of not.

If there is a way to remove those tabs without making a whole new “form” to do it myself, great, just let me know where/how.

Why not use the Toolkit Publisher isntead of the Web interface to link files to local places?
Thats what thats for.

Why not just make the panel more configurable? I should monkey around a ton of mechanics for something that already exists but cant be better configured? Already run full days with a ton of other, actually useful, engineering I could do.

You can just say its not a thing and I will Human resource people to never press the other tabs and live with it and seek out better solutions in the future.

I don’t work for ShotGrid but just trying to help you out here.

I’m trying to understand what kind of work you do and what you are “publishing” because there is a whole toolkit created for just that, supporting various publishing workflows (standalone or from within a DCC).

Again, this is linking existing files from the production store. I dont need another app to publish. This is literally just linking the files.

And you can totally use the exisitng Publish2 app to “publish” the existing data and make sure it’s registered correctly.

There is no way to remove the tabs from your screenshot.

You can make a feature request ticket to Autodesk for that (the forums are not an official way for that).

However to help you out in the meantime, using the publish framework is my suggestion.

Another thing you “may” be able to do is to push some javascript plugin to your company’s browser that hides the specific divs with those tabs.