Erro with API Login: Error validating personal access token: invalid

Today I’m getting this error:
shotgun_api3.shotgun.AuthenticationFault: Forbidden - Error validating personal access token: invalid
I know is not beacouse of the code I’m running beaocuse is a code that I run daily without any problems and I haven’t change it. It could be beacouse of the problems with the Autodesk Identity Authorization Service? I see that shotgun has posted that they are having problems wih this service

Hi @MarioHernandez

Yes, Personal Access Tokens are consumed by the Identity service to return a valid access token.

This this also currently unavailable.

You can check the status in the usual places:



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@MarioHernandez I don’t want to jinx it, but service seems to be slowly coming back


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Hi Patrick!! Thankss for the quick answer.

Yes it was fix next day. Thanks for the info is very good to know that the api login is linked to this protocol. With that info I build an alarm sistem for my pipeline to be able to login throu script for this kind of situations.