Check out this other post on how to CC a specific person to a Task or have them Follow a Task to receive notifications. Any Versions or PublishedFiles then linked to those Tasks should trigger a notification.
For FollowedTasks make sure to select:
Email me whenever there’s an update to something I’m following.
For CC’dTasks make sure to select:
Email me about Tasks that I’m involved in (those that I’m assigned to or CC’d on).
Email me whenever a new Version is created on something that I am CC’d on.
The only way to provide any notification or communication via code is by creating a Note entity and linking this to your PublishedFile. This still requires Account Settings changes for the recipient to enable an email notification however, specifically:
Email me whenever I receive a note.
Email me about Notes that I’m involved in (those that I’ve created or replied to, or where I’m a recipient, except for file attachments).
Check out the following post for a Python API example: