Disable Slate in Submit Tool

Hi! I’m trying to disable the creation of the slate when submitting a version with the submit tool in RV.

So far has been easy by commenting the simpleslate arg in the shotogrid_review_app.mu inside the MU plugins folder, and it works, however I can’t find where I can disable the sg_frames_have_slate field when creating the version, I actually dont see how the version is created inisde the review app, please someone point me in the right direction thanks!!

(Lines 4394)

        // Add some slate and overlay stuff
        string[] args = {
            "-o", tempFilePath,
            "-t", "%d-%d" % (startFrame, endFrame),
            "-overlay", "sg_frameburn", "0.5", "1.0", "30" //, "%d-%d=%d" % (startFrame, endFrame, localStartFrame)
            // "-leader", "simpleslate", "Screening Room"

Hi @macbeth,
Can you, please, share your OS and RV version and if you are using any customization.
I have just tested to created a version from RV using the Submit tool and I am getting neither the slate before the first frame nor the sg_frames_have_slave field checked in the created version.

Shure! Linux Rocky 8, RV 2023.0.2
Screening Room for RV: screening_room-2.16.rvpkg

I’m publishing and EXR sequence, the QuickTime is then generated using rvio using simpleslate arg.

Thanks for the info. Can you please, share the details about how you are generating the version? Are you just using rvio or RV sumbit tool? Please, clarify that when possible.
If you prefer, you can create a support case so we could help better.

I’m using the submit tool, in RV Ctrl + T which under the hood uses rvio to generate the QuickTime, those are the lines I’m modifying inside the shotogrid_review_app.mu
The ones who call rvio when using the submit tool.

Can you, please, start RV with -noPrefs flag and check again? I have made some tests and I am not getting an slate by default.

I could reproduce it from an image sequence. The mov generated is having the slate. Let me dig on it. thanks