Are there any users of Cinesync’s SG integration on this forum? Looks like the integration quite recently stopped being able to authenticate to SG and started generating “Error Connecting…” messages. Can confirm our site is up and reachable. We’ve got a support ticket in to cospective/ftrack, but not super optimistic they’re still committed to this integration since they’re now owned by SG’s direct competitor.
Looks like I shot this flare up too soon. Received confirmation from cospective/ftrack that it’s a new bug prompted by a recent SG update and they’re working to resolve and release a fix.
Cinesync uses its own communication layer to talk to ShotGrid. They do not use our Python API or REST API, they instead crafted their own.
In one of the POST call, they post JSON data without specifying the content type in the header. While this was non-standard, it was working up to a recent update on the ShotGrid side.
ShotGrid constantly changes, either from our own code or from dependencies that we have on Ruby and a number of gems. While we do test internally, we did not check for client applications not passing in the content type. It is unfortunate, but we had no tests for non-standard calls to what is in effect a private API.
So the solution here is, as you point out, on the cospective/ftrack side.
Thanks for clarifying @patrick-hubert-adsk . Out of curiosity, I’m assuming the integration predates the availability of the public REST API and that’s why it was designed this way?
The REST API is a recent addition to ShotGrid. Before that, only the Python API was available at the time Cinesync wrote their integration. I cannot answer for them, but my suspicion is that integrating a Python interpreter into their application was deemed problematic and they instead peered under the hood to see what the Python module was doing.
Given that things have worked fine up to now, it is difficult to dispute their decision
Thanks @nico.vandenbosch - I know we’ve already sorted out the problem for you, but just posting for any other customers who experience the same issue - we have an explanation of the problem and a fix here: ftrack Status - Incident with cineSync and ShotGrid integration
Many thanks to @patrick-hubert-adsk for his assistance in quickly helping with identifying this issue on the SG side.
Rory McGregor
cineSync Product Manager