Release date: October 19, 2023 ET
We released the following updates since 8.54:
Introducing Test Your Connection to ShotGrid
You now have the ability to analyze the health of the connection from your location to the ShotGrid servers.
The Test Your Connection tool will analyze the health of the connection from your location to the ShotGrid servers. These tests ensure that your devices and systems can establish and maintain proper communication with the ShotGrid services. Learn more here!
- Reply entities can now be used in project specific Webhooks. [SG-27744]
Bug fixes:
Canvas Widget - Countdown
- Fixed an issue on the countdown widget where the event label would show “Deadline” instead of a custom name. [SG-31834]
Fields (Administration)
- Fixed an issue where characters were not escaped correctly when creating new entities. [SG-31988]
- Fixed a regression where creating a custom entity with the same name as another one would not produce an error when using “Ensure unique values per project”. [SG-31991]
Page Design Mode
- Fixed a regression where selecting a pipeline status icon within a widget would not open a window showing the list of Tasks. [SG-31990]
Page - List View
- Fixed a bug where users could enter duplicate entities into a single entity field. For example, they could assign the same user twice in a user entity field. [SG-3723]