View tasks by sequences

Hi , hope everyone is doing well
I am setting up a project and I am wondering if I can group tasks by Sequences
So I have sequences which include tasks , also shots linked to the sequences and those shots have tasks.
when going to the Tasks tap , I want to see the shots tasks connected to the sequence tasks. meaning I want to see all the tasks connected to the same sequence.


It’s not possible by default to sort by Sequence. That said, it’s possible to sort tasks by any field that is either a Date, a Text, a List or a Calculated Field. So the workaround I may suggest here is:

  • Create a custom field for tasks that is a Text field.
  • Go to the Configure ShotGrid Create panel, under ‘‘My Tasks’’ tab, and choose to sort My Tasks by that new field.
  • Manually enter the data in the field

It’s not very convenient, but it’s the only idea I have in mind at the moment.

Hope this helps,


@lampronf thank you for your answer

any other way to view the tasks by sequences , but not in My task tap , I want to be in the Tasks tap and group tasks by sequences as a producer.

I’m sorry, I don’t know any other way unfortunately. :confused:


Unless I misunderstood, should be easy! In the ‘group’ field dropdown on any tasks page, scroll all the way down, under ‘Linked Fields’ hover over ‘Link’ and select Link > Shot > Sequence.

Let me know if this works for you!

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@PhilFranjo thanks , that worked

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