Task sort order in tk-multi-workfiles2?


the My Tasks list in the File Open window seems randomly ordered to me, it might be sorted by date or something, but I would like them to be alphabetically ordered. Since the shot code is the first part of the name in our shot naming, they would end up in order of appearance in the show which would be easier to locate.

Is it possible to control that sorting? I’m using a distributed config.


Hi Avid

Unfortunately, the app doesn’t currently have the ability to sort the tasks.
We’ve definitely heard this before, and I’ll add your suggestion to the list.

That said I did have a go at adding it a while back, sadly I never got round to polishing it off, but it was largely functional. If your interested here is the branch:



I see! Good to know, would be great to get it on the roadmap :slight_smile:


I would really like to see this feature as well!


Got multiple requests for this from artists. The Shots are all out of order in My Tasks. I feel like there’s a simpler solution then a proxy model. If the ShotgunEntityModel in tk-framework-shotgun utils just added an “order” parameter to the constructor and then passed that into _load_data, then we could control the order returned in the query itself. Then the configuration of tk-multi-workfiles2 could have a field called something like “my_tasks_order” with a value of “[{‘field_name’:‘entity’, ‘direction’:‘asc’}]”. I haven’t tried out this theory though. Might not work.

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