Update Jira Issue Reporter

Has anyone been able to set the Reporter of Jira Issue sync’d from Shotgrid with the SG-Jira-Bridge tool?
I’ve been trying but it seems the Reporter is hardcoded in the create_issue def to mirror the SG Humanuser entry of the SG Task.
However, it appears the create_issue def is part of an unexposed library or class that I cannot find in sg-jira-bridge-master folder.

Any ideas?

May have found it…

Looks like had to revert to using Py 2 to use that package, but I can get to the create_issue def.
Still a WiP…

If you’ve already looked through the master folder and it’s not exposed, it could be sitting in one of the Python libraries the bridge relies on. If tweaking the library turns into too much of a headache, you could try working around it by setting up a custom field or automation in Jira to reassign the Reporter post-creation. Also, while you’re in there, setting up a clear Jira story template can help keep things consistent, especially if you’re dealing with synced tasks.