I am converting some of my ShotgunAMIEngine plugins into tk-shotgun-apps to make them distributable with our configuration and less dependent on the Application. One of them is a note/reply/attachment exporter.
My app is up and running and I can get some basic information based on an example i have but its just…
The AMI had access to a lot more. Specifically, I am looking for the referring page URL so I can look for notes from a playlist. page/7997#Playlist_38924
There has to be more information available right? Are there more variables documented somewhere or some examples of something beyond entity_type, entity_ids?
Is there more stuff in the context for a tk-shotgun app that I should be digging around for?
Hey Daniel! We looked at the code for this today, and it looks like entity_type and entity_id are indeed all you get – there’s nothing special about what’s passed to apps in the tk-shotgun engine. Can you tell me a little more about the use case you have in mind? I wonder if there’s a feature request in here (probably), or if we can come up with a better way to for you to achieve what you’re after.
You’d of course be able to get from the entity id and type to the note’s linked entity and determine whether it’s a Version or Playlist or whatever else, but it sounds like you’re more interested in the page that the request originated from, and not the linked entity. Can you elaborate a bit on the use case? thanks!
I want to be able to tell if the notes are coming from a Playlist page so I can name the exported notes based on the playlist in which they are contained.
To be super clear. Most all of our Notes are linked to at least one Playlist. I would only care about Notes selected/passed from the ‘Notes Tab’ on a Playlist page.