Thumbnails export to excel

Hi all,

Wondering if anyone knows of a tool or a macros fix in excel where when I export shots with thumbnails from shotgun, I can bring in the actual thumbnails rather than the url to the thumbnail, into the excel document as well??

Thanks in advance!


Hi Rebecca,

Welcome to the Shotgun Community forum!

Unfortunately, we don’t have a way of exporting a contact sheet or thumbnails from Shotgun, out of the box. If you have some Pipeline TD resources, you could talk to them to see if they can create you an Action Menu using the Shotgun API that could do that for you.

Hope this helps!



Hi Rebecca,

As Astrid mentions, unfortunately there is no system built into Shotgun for exporting thumbnails, but, the export does give you the url of the thumbnail file (in the format “/thumbnail/image/9”) so you could pipe that data into a script and pull down the thumbnails that way.

You could also use a 3rd party app that pulls the images form the page and downloads them to a folder, I’ve used this in production before and it’s probably the simplest option here. I’ve linked to one of the many browser plugins that can do this.


Hi David,

I followed your suggestion to use a the Image Downloader plugin, but the resulting jpg file names aren’t included in the Thumbnail URL in the Shotgun Excel/CSV export, which makes it hard to cross-reference. Any advice on this?

You should create your own AMI (Action menu item), which allow you to create Excel/CSV you need, just check which columns are displayed, search database for correct data by selected items ids, and in column where you need your thumbnail, use link to download it to buffer then put it as immage in file. I have same problem when I was making my report generator. But it generate Word file, I future i will add CSV exporetr for this. So if you are not hurry you can follow my github ;). Script is called by flask server (maybe i will change it for django) and started to downloading file via browser when it’s ready.

(in this script all comments are in Polish, so you need to translate them)


Hey @Kemot are these scripts still active somewhere?

Hi, sorry for the late response. Here is a backup of this file:

import io
import os
import docx
import logging
import itertools
import shotgun_api3
import requests
import numpy as np
import datetime
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from docx.oxml.shared import OxmlElement, qn
from docx.shared import Mm, Pt

sg_address = os.getenv('SG_ADDRESS')
sg_script_name = os.getenv('AMI_REPORT_GENERATOR_NAME')
sg_token = os.getenv('AMI_REPORT_GENERATOR_KEY')

class GroupsValues:
    def __init__(self, post_dict, sg):
        self.__sg = sg
        self.__post_dict = post_dict
        self.__is_grouped = False
        self.__group_by = self.__get_grouping_columns()     # zawiera kody kolumn wedlug ktorych beda grupowane dane
        self.__groups = self.__get_groups()     # zawiera wszystkie mozliwe kombinacje grup
        self.__invisible_groups = self.__get_invisible_groups()

    def is_grouped(self):
        return self.__is_grouped

    def groups(self):
        return self.__groups

    def group_by(self):
        return self.__group_by

    def invisible(self):
        return self.__invisible_groups

    def __get_groups(self):
        if self.__group_by:
            groups = self.__get_groups_values(self.__group_by)
            groups = self.__all_combinations(groups)
            self.__is_grouped = True
            return groups
            return None

    def __get_groups_values(self, grouping_columns):
        groups_values = []
        for group_column in grouping_columns:
            group_values = self.__get_group_values(group_column)
        return groups_values

    def __get_group_values(self, grouping_column):
        project_id = int(self.__post_dict['project_id'])
        project = self.__sg.find_one('Project', [['id', 'is', project_id]])
        entity_type = self.__post_dict['entity_type']
        entity_to_group_by = self.__sg.find(entity_type, [['project', 'is', project]], [grouping_column])
        groups = []
        for group in entity_to_group_by:
            if type(group[grouping_column]) is dict:
                if 'name' in group[grouping_column].keys():
                    group = group[grouping_column]['name']
                elif 'code' in group[grouping_column].keys():
                    group = group[grouping_column]['code']
                group = group[grouping_column]
            if group not in groups:
        return groups

    def __get_grouping_columns(self):
        if 'grouping_columns' in self.__post_dict:
            grouping_columns = self.__post_dict['grouping_columns']
        elif 'grouping_column' in self.__post_dict:
            grouping_columns = self.__post_dict['grouping_column']
            return None
        grouping_columns = self.__convert_to_list(grouping_columns)
        return grouping_columns

    def __get_invisible_groups(self):
        columns = self.__post_dict['cols']
        columns = self.__convert_to_list(columns)
        invisible_groups = []
        if self.__group_by:
            for column in self.group_by:
                if column not in columns:
        return invisible_groups

    def __convert_to_list(data):
        converted_list = data.split(',')
        return converted_list

    def __all_combinations(groups):
        groups = itertools.product(*groups)
        groups = list(groups)
        return groups

class EntityData:
    groups - grupy dla danego zapytania np okreslenie konretnego epizodu i podlegajacemu
    def __init__(self, post_dict, groups, sg):
        self.__sg = sg
        self.__groups = groups
        self.__post_dict = post_dict
        self.__steps_dict = self.__get_entity_steps_dict()
        self.__steps_code_list = list(map(lambda x: x['code'], self.__steps_dict))
        self.__steps_short_code_list = list(map(lambda x: x['short_name'], self.__steps_dict))
        self.__data = self.__get_data_from_sg()
        self.__groups_columns_names = self.__get_groups_cols_names()
        self.__data_cols_names = self.__get_data_cols_names()

    def data(self):
        return self.__data

    def groups_columns(self):
        return self.__groups_columns_names

    def data_columns(self):
        return self.__data_cols_names

    def __get_entity_steps_dict(self):
        entity_type = self.__post_dict['entity_type']
        steps = self.__sg.find('Step', [['entity_type', 'is', entity_type]], ['code', 'short_name'])
        steps = map(lambda x: {'code': x['code'], 'short_name': x['short_name']}, steps)  # wyluskuje niezbedne dane
        steps = list(steps)
        return steps

    def __get_data_from_sg(self):
        project = self.__get_project()
        entity_type = self.__post_dict['entity_type']
        invisible_columns = self.__groups.invisible
        selected_columns = self.__convert_to_list('cols')
        selected_columns += invisible_columns
        order = self.__set_order()
        selected_ids = self.__get_selected_ids()
        filters = [
            ['project', 'is', project],
            ['id', 'in', selected_ids],
        data = self.__sg.find(entity_type, filters, selected_columns, order)
        data = self.__format_data(data)
        return data

    def __set_order(self):
        order_by = self.__convert_to_list('sort_column')
        order_direction = self.__convert_to_list('sort_direction')
        order = []
        for by, direction in zip(order_by, order_direction):
            order_dict = {'column': by, 'direction': direction}
        return order

    def __get_project(self):
        project_id = int(self.__post_dict['project_id'])
        project = self.__sg.find_one('Project', [['id', 'is', project_id]])
        return project

    def __get_selected_ids(self):
        selected_ids = self.__post_dict['selected_ids']
        selected_ids = selected_ids.split(',')
        selected_ids = map(lambda x: int(x), selected_ids)
        return list(selected_ids)

    def __format_data(self, data):
        formatted_data = []
        for entity_dict in data:
            formatted_element = self.__format_entity(entity_dict)
        return formatted_data

    def __format_entity(self, entity_dict):
        entity = {}
        columns_display_names = self.__convert_to_list('column_display_names')      # tutaj dodac niewidoczne pola
        columns_display_names += self.__groups.invisible
        columns_codes = self.__convert_to_list('cols')      # tutaj dodac niewidoczne pola
        columns_codes += self.__groups.invisible
        for column_display_name, column_code in zip(columns_display_names, columns_codes):
            value = entity_dict[column_code]
            if type(value) is dict:
                value = self.__get_entity_name(value)
            if value is None:
                if column_display_name in self.__steps_code_list:  # wykonywanie dla ROZWINIETYCH podsumowan
                    value = self.__check_summary_column(column_display_name, entity_dict, is_expended=True)
                elif column_display_name in self.__steps_short_code_list:  # wykonywane dla ZWINIETYCH podsumowan)
                    value = self.__check_summary_column(column_display_name, entity_dict, is_expended=False)
            entity[column_display_name] = value
        return entity

    def __convert_short_code_to_name(self, column_display_name):
        step_name = None
        for step in self.__steps_dict:
            if column_display_name == step['short_name']:
                step_name = step['code']
        if not step_name:
            print('Problem ze stepami')
        return step_name

    def __convert_to_list(self, data):
        converted_list = self.__post_dict[data].split(',')
        return converted_list

    def __check_summary_column(self, column_code, entity_dict, **kwargs):
        is_expended = kwargs.get('is_expended')
        if not is_expended:
            column_code = self.__convert_short_code_to_name(column_code)
        entity = self.__get_entity(entity_dict)  # przechowuje dane aktualnie przetwarzanego elementu
        fields = ['step', 'content', 'sg_status_list', 'task_assignees', 'start_date', 'duration']
        entity_tasks = self.__sg.find('Task', [['entity', 'is', entity]], fields)
        entity_task_status = self.__check_tasks_status(entity_tasks, column_code)
        entity_task_status['is_expended'] = is_expended
        return entity_task_status

    def __get_groups_cols_names(self):
        if self.__groups.group_by is None:
            return None
        groups_display_name = []
        for group in self.__groups.group_by:
            group_display_name = self.__get_display_name(group)
        return groups_display_name

    def __get_display_name(self, group):
        names_dict = self.__get_columns_names_dict()
        if group in names_dict.keys():
            group = names_dict[group]
        elif group in self.__groups.invisible:
            group = group
        return group

    def __get_columns_names_dict(self):
        tworzy slownik nazw kolumn z code na display
        names_dict = {}
        displayed_columns_names = self.__convert_to_list('column_display_names')
        code_columns_names = self.__convert_to_list('cols')
        for code, display in zip(code_columns_names, displayed_columns_names):
            # print('%s = %s' % (code, display))
            names_dict[code] = display
        return names_dict

    def __get_data_cols_names(self):
        displayed_columns = self.__convert_to_list('column_display_names')
        if self.__groups.group_by is None:
            return displayed_columns
        groups = []
        for column in displayed_columns:
            if column in self.__groups_columns_names:
        return groups

    def __get_entity(self, entity_dict):
        entity_type = entity_dict['type']
        entity_id = entity_dict['id']
        entity = self.__sg.find_one(entity_type, [['id', 'is', entity_id]])
        return entity

    def __check_tasks_status(entity_tasks, column_code):
        total_tasks = 0
        fin_tasks = 0
        step_tasks = []
        for task in entity_tasks:
            if task['step']['name'] == column_code:
                total_tasks += 1
                if task['sg_status_list'] == 'fin':
                    fin_tasks += 1
        if total_tasks > 0:
            step_status = float(fin_tasks) / float(total_tasks) * 100
            step_status = round(step_status)
            step_status = None
        step_summary = {
            'step_code': column_code,
            'tasks': step_tasks,
            'total_tasks': total_tasks,
            'fin_tasks': fin_tasks,
            'summary': step_status,
        return step_summary

    def __get_entity_name(dictionary):
        if 'name' in dictionary:
            entity_name = dictionary['name']
        elif 'code' in dictionary:
            entity_name = dictionary['code']
            entity_name = dictionary
        return entity_name

class DocXFormatReport:
    # klasa odpowiedzialna za tworzneie dokumentu DOCX zwierajacaego zaznaczone elementy na stronie SG
    def __init__(self, data, groups, document_title):
        self.__document_title = document_title
        self.__data = data
        self.__groups = groups
        self.__doc = docx.Document()
        self.__report = self.create_docx()

    def report(self):
        return self.__report

    def title(self):
        return self.__document_title

    def __doc_settings(self):
        section = self.__doc.sections[0]
        section.page_height = Mm(297)
        section.page_width = Mm(210)
        section.left_margin = Mm(5)
        section.right_margin = Mm(5)
        section.top_margin = Mm(5)
        section.bottom_margin = Mm(5)
        section.header_distance = Mm(5)
        section.footer_distance = Mm(5)
        style = self.__doc.styles['Normal']
        font = style.font = 'Calibri'
        font.size = Pt(8)

    def create_docx(self):
        file_stream = self.__file_stream()
        return file_stream

    def __create_document_header(self):
        header_table = self.__doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=2, style='TableNormal')
        header_table.autofit = False
        header_title = self.__document_title.split(' ')
        cell = header_table.cell(0, 0)
        col = header_table.columns[0].cells[0]
        col.width = Mm(40)
        paragraph = cell.paragraphs[0]
        run_image = paragraph.add_run()
        run_image.add_picture('C:/Juice_Pipeline/Juice-Flask/static/img/J.png', height=Mm(20))
        paragraph = header_table.cell(0, 1).paragraphs[0]
        run_project_name = paragraph.add_run()
        run_project_name.font.size = Pt(14)
        run_project_name.bold = True
        run_entity_name = paragraph.add_run(header_title[1])
        run_entity_name.font.size = Pt(12)
        run_entity_name.bold = True
        self.__doc.add_paragraph('')  # zapewnia odstep miedzy tabelami

    def __create_data_table(self):
        if self.__data.groups_columns:
            columns = self.__data.groups_columns + self.__data.data_columns
            columns = self.__data.data_columns
        number_of_cols = len(columns)
        entity_table = self.__doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=number_of_cols, style='TableGrid')
        self.__create_entity_table_header(entity_table, columns)
        row_cells = entity_table.add_row().cells
        group_summary = self.__get_group_summary(
        self.__add_group_summaries(group_summary, row_cells)


    def __create_entity_table_header(table, columns):
        header_cells = table.rows[0].cells
        for cell, column_name in zip(header_cells, columns):
            paragraph = cell.paragraphs[0]
            run = paragraph.add_run()
            run.bold = True
        return True

    def __create_entities(self, table):
        if self.__data.groups_columns:
            groups = self.__groups.groups
            for group in groups:
                data_group = self.__group_data(group)
                self.__add_grouped_entities_rows(data_group, table)
            for data in
                self.__add_entity_row(data, table)
        return True

    def __group_data(self, group):

        def group_filtering(data_entity):
            is_in_group = True
            for index, by in enumerate(self.__data.groups_columns):
                if data_entity[by] == group[index]:
                    is_in_group = True
                    is_in_group = False
                is_in_group *= is_in_group
                is_in_group = bool(is_in_group)
            return is_in_group

        grouped_data = list(filter(group_filtering,
        if grouped_data:
        return grouped_data

    def __remove_data(self, grouped_data):
        for entity in grouped_data:

    def __add_grouped_entities_rows(self, data_group, table):   # dodawanie danych dla grup
        self.__add_groups_headers(data_group, table)
        for data in data_group:
            self.__add_entity_row(data, table)
        return True

    def __add_entity_row(self, data, table):    # dodawanie wiersza danych dla okreslonego elementu z grupy
        row_cells = table.add_row().cells
        entity__index = self.__get_starting_entity_index()
        for index, key in enumerate(self.__data.data_columns):  #dodawanie danych do kolumn nie bedacych grupa
            cell = row_cells[entity__index + index]
            if (key == 'Thumbnail') and (data[key] is not None):
                self.__add_image_from_url(cell, data[key])
            elif type(data[key]) is dict:
                self.__add_data_from_step_column(data[key], cell)     # dla stepow przekazywane sa dane jako dict
                value = str(data[key])
                cell.text = value
        return True

    def __get_starting_entity_index(self):
        if self.__data.groups_columns:
            entity__index = len(self.__data.groups_columns)
            entity__index = 0
        return entity__index

    def __add_groups_headers(self, data_group, table):
        if data_group:
            for index, group in enumerate(self.__data.groups_columns):
                group_summary = self.__get_group_summary(data_group)
                row_cells = table.add_row().cells
                if group_summary:
                    self.__add_group_summaries(group_summary, row_cells)
                group_name = data_group[0]      # bierze pierwsze wystopienie z ktorego wyluskuje nazwy grup
                group_name = group_name[group]
                row_cells[index].text = str(group_name)
        return True

    def __add_group_summaries(self, group_summary, row_cells):
        entity__index = self.__get_starting_entity_index()
        for key, value in group_summary.items():
            if key in self.__data.data_columns:
                if value[1] == 0:
                    value = 0
                    value = float(value[1]) / float(value[0]) * 100.0
                    value = round(value)
                index = self.__data.data_columns.index(key)
                cell = row_cells[index + entity__index]
                paragraph = cell.paragraphs[0]
                run = paragraph.add_run()
                run.bold = True
                run.add_text('%s%%' % value)

    def __add_image_from_url(self, cell, image_url):
        margins = ['top', 'start', 'bottom', 'end']
        margin_size = '0'
        tc = cell._tc
        tcPr = tc.get_or_add_tcPr()
        tcMar = OxmlElement('w:tcMar')
        for margin in margins:
            node = OxmlElement('w:%s' % margin)
            node.set(qn('w:w'), margin_size)
            node.set(qn('w:type'), 'dxa')
        img_width = Mm(40)
        image = self.__get_image_from_url(image_url)
        paragraph = cell.paragraphs[0]
        run = paragraph.add_run()
        run.add_picture(image, width=img_width)
        return True

    def __file_stream(self):
        file_stream = io.BytesIO()  # tworzy bufor w pamieci    # zapisuje plik do buforu     # zeruje wskaznik pliku
        return file_stream

    def __get_group_summary(group_data):
        summary = {}
        for entity in group_data:
            for key, value in entity.items():
                if type(value) is dict:
                    if key in summary.keys():
                        total_tasks = summary[key][0]
                        fin_tasks = summary[key][1]
                        total_tasks = 0
                        fin_tasks = 0
                    total_tasks += entity[key]['total_tasks']
                    fin_tasks += entity[key]['fin_tasks']
                    summary[key] = [total_tasks, fin_tasks]
        logging.debug('Podsumowanie ukonczenia taskow w grupie: %s' % summary)
        return summary

    def __get_image_from_url(url):
        response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
        image = io.BytesIO(response.content)  # obiekt wskazuje na miejsce w pamieci gdzie przechowywany jest obraz
        return image

    def __add_data_from_step_column(data, cell):
        if data['is_expended']:
            value = data['summary']
            """# warunek zrobiona jako tymczasowa trzeba bedzie ja dorobic na razie robi tabele wdlug standardu SG
            tasks = data['tasks']
            column_names = ('Status', 'Task name', 'Assigned to', 'Start Data', 'Duo data', 'Duration')
            table = cell.add_table(rows=1, cols=len(column_names))
            self.__create_entity_table_header(table, column_names)
            # dodawanie wierszy z danymi taskow
            for task in tasks:
                row_cells = table.add_row().cells
                row_cells[0] = task['sg_status_list']
                row_cells[1] = task['content']
                row_cells[2] = task['task_assignees']
                row_cells[3] = task['start_date']
                row_cells[4] = task['start_date']
                row_cells[5] = task['duration']
            # petla pozwalajaca na edycje rozmiaru czcionki dla calej tabeli
            for row in table.rows:
                for cell in row.cells:
                    paragraphs = cell.paragraphs
                    for paragraph in paragraphs:
                        for run in paragraph.runs:
                            font = run.font
                            font.size = Pt(6)"""
            value = data['summary']
        if value is None:
            cell.text = ''
            cell.text = '%s%%' % value
        return True

class ColumnsWidth:
    # klasa sluzaca do ustawienia szerkosci kolumn, bezcelowe dla Worda

    def __init__(self, entities):
        self.__page_width = 200
        self.__proportions = []

    def proportions(self):
        return self.__proportions

    def mm(self):
        mm = list(map(lambda x: round(x * self.__page_width), self.__proportions))
        return mm

    def get_longest_word(self, string):
        longest_word = string.split(' ')
        longest_word = max(longest_word)
        longest_word = len(longest_word)
        return longest_word

    def get_lengths(self, entities):
        cols_longest_words = []
        cols_max_length = []
        for entity in entities:
            longest_word = self.get_columns_longest_word(entity)
            max_length = self.get_columns_max_length(entity)
        return cols_longest_words, cols_max_length

    def get_columns_longest_word(self, entity):
        col_longest_word = []
        for column_name in entity:
            text = '%s %s' % (column_name, entity[column_name])
            longest_word = self.get_longest_word(text)
            if column_name in ['Thumbnail', 'thumbnail']:
                longest_word = longest_word / 10
        return col_longest_word

    def get_columns_width(self, entities):
        longest_words, max_lengths = self.get_lengths(entities)
        proportions = self.get_word_to_txt_proportions(longest_words, max_lengths)
        proportions = self.get_proportions(proportions)
        self.__proportions = proportions

    def get_columns_max_length(entity):
        cols_max_length = []
        for column_name in entity:
            text = '%s %s' % (column_name, entity[column_name])
            max_length = len(text)
        return cols_max_length

    def get_proportions(length_proportions):
        avg_proportions = np.array(length_proportions)  # numpy uzyto w celu ogarniecia liczenia macierzy
        avg_proportions = avg_proportions.sum(axis=0)
        number_of_elements = len(avg_proportions)
        avg_proportions = list(map(lambda x: x / number_of_elements, avg_proportions))
        total = sum(avg_proportions)
        avg_proportions = list(map(lambda x: x / total, avg_proportions))
        return avg_proportions

    def get_word_to_txt_proportions(words_length, text_length):
        length_proportions = []
        for lenghts in zip(words_length, text_length):
            length_proportion = []
            index = 0
            while index < len(lenghts[0]):
                proportion = lenghts[1][index] / lenghts[0][index]
                index += 1
        return length_proportions

class ReportGenerator:
    def __init__(self, post_dict):
        self.__sg = shotgun_api3.Shotgun(sg_address, script_name=sg_script_name, api_key=sg_token)
        self.__post_dict = post_dict
        self.__project_name = post_dict['project_name']
        self.__entity_type = post_dict['entity_type']
        self.__document_title = '%s %ss.docx' % (self.__project_name, self.__entity_type.lower())

    def title(self):
        return self.__document_title

    def generate(self):
        groups = GroupsValues(self.__post_dict, self.__sg)
        logging.debug(' =========GroupsValues=========')
        logging.debug(' <groups> Nazwy grup: %s' % groups.groups)
        logging.debug(' <group_by> Kolumny wedlug ktorych maja byc grupowane dane: %s' % groups.group_by)
        logging.debug(' <invisible> Niewidoczne grupy: %s' % groups.invisible)
        data = EntityData(self.__post_dict, groups, self.__sg)
        logging.debug(' =========EntitiesData=========')
        logging.debug(' <data> Przekazywane dane: %s' %
        logging.debug(' <groups_columns> Wyswietlane nazwy kolumn z grupami: %s' % data.groups_columns)
        logging.debug(' <data_columns> Wyswietlane nazwy kolumn z danymi (bez grup): %s' % data.data_columns)
        logging.debug(' ==============================')
        new_report = DocXFormatReport(data, groups, self.__document_title)

def time_test(func):
    start =

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        func(*args, **kwargs)

    end =
    time = end - start
    func_name = func.__name__
    print('%s: %s' % (func_name, time))
    return wrapper