Hi, sorry for the late response. Here is a backup of this file:
import io
import os
import docx
import logging
import itertools
import shotgun_api3
import requests
import numpy as np
import datetime
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from docx.oxml.shared import OxmlElement, qn
from docx.shared import Mm, Pt
sg_address = os.getenv('SG_ADDRESS')
sg_script_name = os.getenv('AMI_REPORT_GENERATOR_NAME')
sg_token = os.getenv('AMI_REPORT_GENERATOR_KEY')
class GroupsValues:
def __init__(self, post_dict, sg):
self.__sg = sg
self.__post_dict = post_dict
self.__is_grouped = False
self.__group_by = self.__get_grouping_columns() # zawiera kody kolumn wedlug ktorych beda grupowane dane
self.__groups = self.__get_groups() # zawiera wszystkie mozliwe kombinacje grup
self.__invisible_groups = self.__get_invisible_groups()
def is_grouped(self):
return self.__is_grouped
def groups(self):
return self.__groups
def group_by(self):
return self.__group_by
def invisible(self):
return self.__invisible_groups
def __get_groups(self):
if self.__group_by:
groups = self.__get_groups_values(self.__group_by)
groups = self.__all_combinations(groups)
self.__is_grouped = True
return groups
return None
def __get_groups_values(self, grouping_columns):
groups_values = []
for group_column in grouping_columns:
group_values = self.__get_group_values(group_column)
return groups_values
def __get_group_values(self, grouping_column):
project_id = int(self.__post_dict['project_id'])
project = self.__sg.find_one('Project', [['id', 'is', project_id]])
entity_type = self.__post_dict['entity_type']
entity_to_group_by = self.__sg.find(entity_type, [['project', 'is', project]], [grouping_column])
groups = []
for group in entity_to_group_by:
if type(group[grouping_column]) is dict:
if 'name' in group[grouping_column].keys():
group = group[grouping_column]['name']
elif 'code' in group[grouping_column].keys():
group = group[grouping_column]['code']
group = group[grouping_column]
if group not in groups:
return groups
def __get_grouping_columns(self):
if 'grouping_columns' in self.__post_dict:
grouping_columns = self.__post_dict['grouping_columns']
elif 'grouping_column' in self.__post_dict:
grouping_columns = self.__post_dict['grouping_column']
return None
grouping_columns = self.__convert_to_list(grouping_columns)
return grouping_columns
def __get_invisible_groups(self):
columns = self.__post_dict['cols']
columns = self.__convert_to_list(columns)
invisible_groups = []
if self.__group_by:
for column in self.group_by:
if column not in columns:
return invisible_groups
def __convert_to_list(data):
converted_list = data.split(',')
return converted_list
def __all_combinations(groups):
groups = itertools.product(*groups)
groups = list(groups)
return groups
class EntityData:
groups - grupy dla danego zapytania np okreslenie konretnego epizodu i podlegajacemu
def __init__(self, post_dict, groups, sg):
self.__sg = sg
self.__groups = groups
self.__post_dict = post_dict
self.__steps_dict = self.__get_entity_steps_dict()
self.__steps_code_list = list(map(lambda x: x['code'], self.__steps_dict))
self.__steps_short_code_list = list(map(lambda x: x['short_name'], self.__steps_dict))
self.__data = self.__get_data_from_sg()
self.__groups_columns_names = self.__get_groups_cols_names()
self.__data_cols_names = self.__get_data_cols_names()
def data(self):
return self.__data
def groups_columns(self):
return self.__groups_columns_names
def data_columns(self):
return self.__data_cols_names
def __get_entity_steps_dict(self):
entity_type = self.__post_dict['entity_type']
steps = self.__sg.find('Step', [['entity_type', 'is', entity_type]], ['code', 'short_name'])
steps = map(lambda x: {'code': x['code'], 'short_name': x['short_name']}, steps) # wyluskuje niezbedne dane
steps = list(steps)
return steps
def __get_data_from_sg(self):
project = self.__get_project()
entity_type = self.__post_dict['entity_type']
invisible_columns = self.__groups.invisible
selected_columns = self.__convert_to_list('cols')
selected_columns += invisible_columns
order = self.__set_order()
selected_ids = self.__get_selected_ids()
filters = [
['project', 'is', project],
['id', 'in', selected_ids],
data = self.__sg.find(entity_type, filters, selected_columns, order)
data = self.__format_data(data)
return data
def __set_order(self):
order_by = self.__convert_to_list('sort_column')
order_direction = self.__convert_to_list('sort_direction')
order = []
for by, direction in zip(order_by, order_direction):
order_dict = {'column': by, 'direction': direction}
return order
def __get_project(self):
project_id = int(self.__post_dict['project_id'])
project = self.__sg.find_one('Project', [['id', 'is', project_id]])
return project
def __get_selected_ids(self):
selected_ids = self.__post_dict['selected_ids']
selected_ids = selected_ids.split(',')
selected_ids = map(lambda x: int(x), selected_ids)
return list(selected_ids)
def __format_data(self, data):
formatted_data = []
for entity_dict in data:
formatted_element = self.__format_entity(entity_dict)
return formatted_data
def __format_entity(self, entity_dict):
entity = {}
columns_display_names = self.__convert_to_list('column_display_names') # tutaj dodac niewidoczne pola
columns_display_names += self.__groups.invisible
columns_codes = self.__convert_to_list('cols') # tutaj dodac niewidoczne pola
columns_codes += self.__groups.invisible
for column_display_name, column_code in zip(columns_display_names, columns_codes):
value = entity_dict[column_code]
if type(value) is dict:
value = self.__get_entity_name(value)
if value is None:
if column_display_name in self.__steps_code_list: # wykonywanie dla ROZWINIETYCH podsumowan
value = self.__check_summary_column(column_display_name, entity_dict, is_expended=True)
elif column_display_name in self.__steps_short_code_list: # wykonywane dla ZWINIETYCH podsumowan)
value = self.__check_summary_column(column_display_name, entity_dict, is_expended=False)
entity[column_display_name] = value
return entity
def __convert_short_code_to_name(self, column_display_name):
step_name = None
for step in self.__steps_dict:
if column_display_name == step['short_name']:
step_name = step['code']
if not step_name:
print('Problem ze stepami')
return step_name
def __convert_to_list(self, data):
converted_list = self.__post_dict[data].split(',')
return converted_list
def __check_summary_column(self, column_code, entity_dict, **kwargs):
is_expended = kwargs.get('is_expended')
if not is_expended:
column_code = self.__convert_short_code_to_name(column_code)
entity = self.__get_entity(entity_dict) # przechowuje dane aktualnie przetwarzanego elementu
fields = ['step', 'content', 'sg_status_list', 'task_assignees', 'start_date', 'duration']
entity_tasks = self.__sg.find('Task', [['entity', 'is', entity]], fields)
entity_task_status = self.__check_tasks_status(entity_tasks, column_code)
entity_task_status['is_expended'] = is_expended
return entity_task_status
def __get_groups_cols_names(self):
if self.__groups.group_by is None:
return None
groups_display_name = []
for group in self.__groups.group_by:
group_display_name = self.__get_display_name(group)
return groups_display_name
def __get_display_name(self, group):
names_dict = self.__get_columns_names_dict()
if group in names_dict.keys():
group = names_dict[group]
elif group in self.__groups.invisible:
group = group
return group
def __get_columns_names_dict(self):
tworzy slownik nazw kolumn z code na display
names_dict = {}
displayed_columns_names = self.__convert_to_list('column_display_names')
code_columns_names = self.__convert_to_list('cols')
for code, display in zip(code_columns_names, displayed_columns_names):
# print('%s = %s' % (code, display))
names_dict[code] = display
return names_dict
def __get_data_cols_names(self):
displayed_columns = self.__convert_to_list('column_display_names')
if self.__groups.group_by is None:
return displayed_columns
groups = []
for column in displayed_columns:
if column in self.__groups_columns_names:
return groups
def __get_entity(self, entity_dict):
entity_type = entity_dict['type']
entity_id = entity_dict['id']
entity = self.__sg.find_one(entity_type, [['id', 'is', entity_id]])
return entity
def __check_tasks_status(entity_tasks, column_code):
total_tasks = 0
fin_tasks = 0
step_tasks = []
for task in entity_tasks:
if task['step']['name'] == column_code:
total_tasks += 1
if task['sg_status_list'] == 'fin':
fin_tasks += 1
if total_tasks > 0:
step_status = float(fin_tasks) / float(total_tasks) * 100
step_status = round(step_status)
step_status = None
step_summary = {
'step_code': column_code,
'tasks': step_tasks,
'total_tasks': total_tasks,
'fin_tasks': fin_tasks,
'summary': step_status,
return step_summary
def __get_entity_name(dictionary):
if 'name' in dictionary:
entity_name = dictionary['name']
elif 'code' in dictionary:
entity_name = dictionary['code']
entity_name = dictionary
return entity_name
class DocXFormatReport:
# klasa odpowiedzialna za tworzneie dokumentu DOCX zwierajacaego zaznaczone elementy na stronie SG
def __init__(self, data, groups, document_title):
self.__document_title = document_title
self.__data = data
self.__groups = groups
self.__doc = docx.Document()
self.__report = self.create_docx()
def report(self):
return self.__report
def title(self):
return self.__document_title
def __doc_settings(self):
section = self.__doc.sections[0]
section.page_height = Mm(297)
section.page_width = Mm(210)
section.left_margin = Mm(5)
section.right_margin = Mm(5)
section.top_margin = Mm(5)
section.bottom_margin = Mm(5)
section.header_distance = Mm(5)
section.footer_distance = Mm(5)
style = self.__doc.styles['Normal']
font = style.font
font.name = 'Calibri'
font.size = Pt(8)
def create_docx(self):
# self.__doc.save('test.docx')
file_stream = self.__file_stream()
return file_stream
def __create_document_header(self):
header_table = self.__doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=2, style='TableNormal')
header_table.autofit = False
header_title = self.__document_title.split(' ')
cell = header_table.cell(0, 0)
col = header_table.columns[0].cells[0]
col.width = Mm(40)
paragraph = cell.paragraphs[0]
run_image = paragraph.add_run()
run_image.add_picture('C:/Juice_Pipeline/Juice-Flask/static/img/J.png', height=Mm(20))
paragraph = header_table.cell(0, 1).paragraphs[0]
run_project_name = paragraph.add_run()
run_project_name.font.size = Pt(14)
run_project_name.bold = True
run_entity_name = paragraph.add_run(header_title[1])
run_entity_name.font.size = Pt(12)
run_entity_name.bold = True
self.__doc.add_paragraph('') # zapewnia odstep miedzy tabelami
def __create_data_table(self):
if self.__data.groups_columns:
columns = self.__data.groups_columns + self.__data.data_columns
columns = self.__data.data_columns
number_of_cols = len(columns)
entity_table = self.__doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=number_of_cols, style='TableGrid')
self.__create_entity_table_header(entity_table, columns)
row_cells = entity_table.add_row().cells
group_summary = self.__get_group_summary(self.__data.data)
self.__add_group_summaries(group_summary, row_cells)
def __create_entity_table_header(table, columns):
header_cells = table.rows[0].cells
for cell, column_name in zip(header_cells, columns):
paragraph = cell.paragraphs[0]
run = paragraph.add_run()
run.bold = True
return True
def __create_entities(self, table):
if self.__data.groups_columns:
groups = self.__groups.groups
for group in groups:
data_group = self.__group_data(group)
self.__add_grouped_entities_rows(data_group, table)
for data in self.__data.data:
self.__add_entity_row(data, table)
return True
def __group_data(self, group):
def group_filtering(data_entity):
is_in_group = True
for index, by in enumerate(self.__data.groups_columns):
if data_entity[by] == group[index]:
is_in_group = True
is_in_group = False
is_in_group *= is_in_group
is_in_group = bool(is_in_group)
return is_in_group
grouped_data = list(filter(group_filtering, self.__data.data))
if grouped_data:
return grouped_data
def __remove_data(self, grouped_data):
for entity in grouped_data:
def __add_grouped_entities_rows(self, data_group, table): # dodawanie danych dla grup
self.__add_groups_headers(data_group, table)
for data in data_group:
self.__add_entity_row(data, table)
return True
def __add_entity_row(self, data, table): # dodawanie wiersza danych dla okreslonego elementu z grupy
row_cells = table.add_row().cells
entity__index = self.__get_starting_entity_index()
for index, key in enumerate(self.__data.data_columns): #dodawanie danych do kolumn nie bedacych grupa
cell = row_cells[entity__index + index]
if (key == 'Thumbnail') and (data[key] is not None):
self.__add_image_from_url(cell, data[key])
elif type(data[key]) is dict:
self.__add_data_from_step_column(data[key], cell) # dla stepow przekazywane sa dane jako dict
value = str(data[key])
cell.text = value
return True
def __get_starting_entity_index(self):
if self.__data.groups_columns:
entity__index = len(self.__data.groups_columns)
entity__index = 0
return entity__index
def __add_groups_headers(self, data_group, table):
if data_group:
for index, group in enumerate(self.__data.groups_columns):
group_summary = self.__get_group_summary(data_group)
row_cells = table.add_row().cells
if group_summary:
self.__add_group_summaries(group_summary, row_cells)
group_name = data_group[0] # bierze pierwsze wystopienie z ktorego wyluskuje nazwy grup
group_name = group_name[group]
row_cells[index].text = str(group_name)
return True
def __add_group_summaries(self, group_summary, row_cells):
entity__index = self.__get_starting_entity_index()
for key, value in group_summary.items():
if key in self.__data.data_columns:
if value[1] == 0:
value = 0
value = float(value[1]) / float(value[0]) * 100.0
value = round(value)
index = self.__data.data_columns.index(key)
cell = row_cells[index + entity__index]
paragraph = cell.paragraphs[0]
run = paragraph.add_run()
run.bold = True
run.add_text('%s%%' % value)
def __add_image_from_url(self, cell, image_url):
margins = ['top', 'start', 'bottom', 'end']
margin_size = '0'
tc = cell._tc
tcPr = tc.get_or_add_tcPr()
tcMar = OxmlElement('w:tcMar')
for margin in margins:
node = OxmlElement('w:%s' % margin)
node.set(qn('w:w'), margin_size)
node.set(qn('w:type'), 'dxa')
img_width = Mm(40)
image = self.__get_image_from_url(image_url)
paragraph = cell.paragraphs[0]
run = paragraph.add_run()
run.add_picture(image, width=img_width)
return True
def __file_stream(self):
file_stream = io.BytesIO() # tworzy bufor w pamieci
self.__doc.save(file_stream) # zapisuje plik do buforu
file_stream.seek(0) # zeruje wskaznik pliku
return file_stream
def __get_group_summary(group_data):
summary = {}
for entity in group_data:
for key, value in entity.items():
if type(value) is dict:
if key in summary.keys():
total_tasks = summary[key][0]
fin_tasks = summary[key][1]
total_tasks = 0
fin_tasks = 0
total_tasks += entity[key]['total_tasks']
fin_tasks += entity[key]['fin_tasks']
summary[key] = [total_tasks, fin_tasks]
logging.debug('Podsumowanie ukonczenia taskow w grupie: %s' % summary)
return summary
def __get_image_from_url(url):
response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
image = io.BytesIO(response.content) # obiekt wskazuje na miejsce w pamieci gdzie przechowywany jest obraz
return image
def __add_data_from_step_column(data, cell):
if data['is_expended']:
value = data['summary']
"""# warunek zrobiona jako tymczasowa trzeba bedzie ja dorobic na razie robi tabele wdlug standardu SG
tasks = data['tasks']
column_names = ('Status', 'Task name', 'Assigned to', 'Start Data', 'Duo data', 'Duration')
table = cell.add_table(rows=1, cols=len(column_names))
self.__create_entity_table_header(table, column_names)
# dodawanie wierszy z danymi taskow
for task in tasks:
row_cells = table.add_row().cells
row_cells[0] = task['sg_status_list']
row_cells[1] = task['content']
row_cells[2] = task['task_assignees']
row_cells[3] = task['start_date']
row_cells[4] = task['start_date']
row_cells[5] = task['duration']
# petla pozwalajaca na edycje rozmiaru czcionki dla calej tabeli
for row in table.rows:
for cell in row.cells:
paragraphs = cell.paragraphs
for paragraph in paragraphs:
for run in paragraph.runs:
font = run.font
font.size = Pt(6)"""
value = data['summary']
if value is None:
cell.text = ''
cell.text = '%s%%' % value
return True
class ColumnsWidth:
# klasa sluzaca do ustawienia szerkosci kolumn, bezcelowe dla Worda
def __init__(self, entities):
self.__page_width = 200
self.__proportions = []
def proportions(self):
return self.__proportions
def mm(self):
mm = list(map(lambda x: round(x * self.__page_width), self.__proportions))
return mm
def get_longest_word(self, string):
longest_word = string.split(' ')
longest_word = max(longest_word)
longest_word = len(longest_word)
return longest_word
def get_lengths(self, entities):
cols_longest_words = []
cols_max_length = []
for entity in entities:
longest_word = self.get_columns_longest_word(entity)
max_length = self.get_columns_max_length(entity)
return cols_longest_words, cols_max_length
def get_columns_longest_word(self, entity):
col_longest_word = []
for column_name in entity:
text = '%s %s' % (column_name, entity[column_name])
longest_word = self.get_longest_word(text)
if column_name in ['Thumbnail', 'thumbnail']:
longest_word = longest_word / 10
return col_longest_word
def get_columns_width(self, entities):
longest_words, max_lengths = self.get_lengths(entities)
proportions = self.get_word_to_txt_proportions(longest_words, max_lengths)
proportions = self.get_proportions(proportions)
self.__proportions = proportions
def get_columns_max_length(entity):
cols_max_length = []
for column_name in entity:
text = '%s %s' % (column_name, entity[column_name])
max_length = len(text)
return cols_max_length
def get_proportions(length_proportions):
avg_proportions = np.array(length_proportions) # numpy uzyto w celu ogarniecia liczenia macierzy
avg_proportions = avg_proportions.sum(axis=0)
number_of_elements = len(avg_proportions)
avg_proportions = list(map(lambda x: x / number_of_elements, avg_proportions))
total = sum(avg_proportions)
avg_proportions = list(map(lambda x: x / total, avg_proportions))
return avg_proportions
def get_word_to_txt_proportions(words_length, text_length):
length_proportions = []
for lenghts in zip(words_length, text_length):
length_proportion = []
index = 0
while index < len(lenghts[0]):
proportion = lenghts[1][index] / lenghts[0][index]
index += 1
return length_proportions
class ReportGenerator:
def __init__(self, post_dict):
self.__sg = shotgun_api3.Shotgun(sg_address, script_name=sg_script_name, api_key=sg_token)
self.__post_dict = post_dict
self.__project_name = post_dict['project_name']
self.__entity_type = post_dict['entity_type']
self.__document_title = '%s %ss.docx' % (self.__project_name, self.__entity_type.lower())
def title(self):
return self.__document_title
def generate(self):
groups = GroupsValues(self.__post_dict, self.__sg)
logging.debug(' =========GroupsValues=========')
logging.debug(' <groups> Nazwy grup: %s' % groups.groups)
logging.debug(' <group_by> Kolumny wedlug ktorych maja byc grupowane dane: %s' % groups.group_by)
logging.debug(' <invisible> Niewidoczne grupy: %s' % groups.invisible)
data = EntityData(self.__post_dict, groups, self.__sg)
logging.debug(' =========EntitiesData=========')
logging.debug(' <data> Przekazywane dane: %s' % data.data)
logging.debug(' <groups_columns> Wyswietlane nazwy kolumn z grupami: %s' % data.groups_columns)
logging.debug(' <data_columns> Wyswietlane nazwy kolumn z danymi (bez grup): %s' % data.data_columns)
logging.debug(' ==============================')
new_report = DocXFormatReport(data, groups, self.__document_title)
return new_report.report
def time_test(func):
start = datetime.datetime.now()
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
end = datetime.datetime.now()
time = end - start
func_name = func.__name__
print('%s: %s' % (func_name, time))
return wrapper