Upload Thumbnail / matches filenames


I’m trying to upload images to my “Editorial Shot List”. Apple’s finder being pitiful in UX (icons too small), I open a finder window outside of Shotgun, I adjust the size of the icons as desired and I drag my “image.png” into the Upload Thumbnail / Open Bulk Import.

The only “Match filename file with” are “Shote Code” or “Description”. I would like to have the Thumbnail field and embed my “image.png”. Does this speak to you?

Capture d’écran 2021-02-17 à 18.46.24

Capture d’écran 2021-02-17 à 18.48.02

Best regards

Hi @jacques74,

Thanks for your message - the UI you see there is used when you are trying to bulk import Thumbnails to many entities (in this example we will use Shots). Bulk import is used to match many selected Thumbnail images to existing Shots in Shotgun. If the name of the Thumbnail matches the name of the Shot Code then Shotgun knows where each Thumbnail belongs.

If you want to upload only one thumbnail to one Shot, the thumbnail image name does not need to match the corresponding Shot Code. Click the “Upload Thumbnail” link in the Thumbnail field and upload it individually by selecting “Choose File” in the image below.

If you select “Open Bulk Import” then you can upload many images to many Shots’ Thumbnail fields, but you need to be able to match that image filename to the Shot Code (or Description if that makes more sense for your workflow, but Shot Code is the likely choice). You can see in the image below that the image filename is matching the Shot name.


Hi Beth,

Thank you for your precious and precise information. Thank you for your work. I understand better my processing error. It will help me a lot Best regards, jacques

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You are most welcome, @jacques74! I’m glad it was helpful :slight_smile: