Task widgets in shotgun


I’m having trouble accessing all projects on shotgun within a widget. I’d love to be able to view all the tasks assigned to one person for all projects, but can only seem to show the project that I’ve created the page within.

I’ve tried setting the filters to ‘not the current project’ but that doesn’t then automatically bring in the other projects - can a widget to show someone’s tasks on all projects on shotgun be achieved?

Many thanks,


Hi Rebecca,

Does the Page in question belong to a specific Project? If so, it will only ever be able to see records within that Project. In order to have a Page with cross-Project visibility make sure to clear out the Project field when creating that page:

Let me know how that works for you!


Ah! It works!

Yes, that canvas option in type is all the way at the bottom of the list.

Thanks so much for your help!