Global Tasks Page - Show Tasks across all Projects

I would like to create a global page that shows all tasks across all Projects, and group them by artist. Is this possible?


Hi @teejaaygee :wave:,

This is possible. You’ll just want to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new global page of the Task entity type. From anywhere in Shotgun, click n on your keyboard, and then from the global new menu, select Page (you can also navigate to page by pressing p after n, then enter for creating the page by keyboard shortcuts—so n, p, enter).

  1. Then, name the page, select the Task entity type, make sure the Project value is blank, and create the page.

  1. Lastly, now that you’ve created your global Task page, you can group by Assigned To, and adjust the layout how you’d like. Just make sure to save after making layout changes.

Note that the page by default will be created as a private page, only available to you. However, you can adjust the page permissions via Design Page Mode.


That’s really useful, thanks @shaynad. Really appreciate the moderator speed & quality of response in this forum.