Hello. Today doing something unrelated today I noticed that the task template field on projects now has an “Apply Task Template” link. Which works as a button! This is a field type we always thought was lacking in the website.
Is this available for users in some way?
Hi @vtrvtr, glad you like the new Task Template functionality! This is part of a new set of baked-in features to make Task Templates easier to apply, update and manage.
Unfortunately this is not leveraging a generic “button” field type of any sort, it is bespoke functionality applying specifically to the Task Template field. For now you would still need to leverage something like an event trigger, Toolkit action or Action Menu Item to trigger automation from
That said, I’d definitely encourage you to report this use case and request on our public roadmap page. Just use the blue “Submit an Idea” button in the top right corner.
Thanks again for the feedback!
Yeah, I thought as much. Thanks for answer!