Stacking two images and viewing comp range only?

Hey @keggers,

To add to Ben’s reply about Screening Room, I think that the option you’re looking for is the Session Prefs -> Cut Length. However, this option looks at “cut length” and “cut in” and “cut out” fields in Shotgun, while it sounds like you have some custom fields?

If you take a look under RV -> PlugIns -> Mu -> you’ll see all the fields that Screening Room sees. If you look under editorial info, you can see the cut length/cut in/cut out. You can change these fields to point to where your cut in info lives:

("frameIn",             "In Frame",             "sg_work_in",            "number",      "Shot",          false),
("frameOut",            "Out Frame",            "sg_work_out",           "number",      "Shot",          false),
("cutOrder",            "Cut Order",            "sg_cut_order",         "number",      "Shot",          false),

then you can try Session Prefs -> Cut Length and see if your fields values get picked up. If they do, you’ll still need to write a small RV package to enable the stack and set the operation to over.

If above doesn’t work, unfortunately you’d have to write your own package to handle this specific case. This is what it would look like:

  • Bind an event on group-source-complete, and cycle through each source that is loaded in.

  • Grab Shotgun mode singleton to get version information, Kessler has written a nice reply about it here: RV Screening Room read version data - #7 by Michael.Kessler

  • Once you have the version’s fields, you can set the cut in/out fields in rv per-source, like so:

    commands.setIntProperty(“” % node, [14], True)
    commands.setIntProperty(“%s.cut.out” % node, [26], True)

  • Then you can add them to the stack with over operation enabled:

    stack = groupMembersOfType(newGroup, “RVStack”)
    commands.setIntProperty(“%s.composite.type” % stack, [“over”], True)
    commands.setIntProperty(“%s.mode.useCutInfo” % stack, [1], True)
    commands.setIntProperty(“%s.mode.alignStartFrames” % stack, [1], True)

Let us know if any of these ideas help!
