Software showing up in desktop but not in software list

Just noticed I have mari showing up in my shotgun desktop launcher however not in my software list on the shotgun site. I need to configure the software to be disabled for all users since my division of the company wont be using mari but without it in the software list I don’t know how I might do that. Looks like the same thing is true for Hiero. Any idea how I might fix this?


Hey Joe!

Some DCCs (Mari, Hiero, Mobu, etc.) that we have integrations for do not support the Software entity, and have to be managed within your pipeline configuration.

Some backstory here: setting up launchers via Software entity in Shotgun is a relatively new development; originally, you had an tk-multi-launchapp instance in your config for each engine/DCC, and that instance contained all the per-DCC configuration (path to software, engine, etc.)

When we moved to the Software entity, there were a few low-usage integrations that we didn’t prioritize porting, and they’re still in that state.

So, in the Default Config, they have their own launchapp instances. They’re defined in config/env/includes/settings/tk-multi-launchapp.yml, and included into config/env/includes/settings/tk-desktop.yml (among other places).

So, to get them out of Desktop, you can just remove the include lines from the latter file. In config/env/includes/settings/tk-desktop.yml, you’ll see the following block:
      location: ""
      location: ""
    tk-multi-launchapp: ""
    tk-multi-launchhiero: ""
    tk-multi-launchmari: ""
    tk-multi-launchmotionbuilder: ""
    tk-multi-publish2: ""
    tk-multi-screeningroom: ""

Just remove the tk-multi-launchhiero and tk-multi-launchmari lines from that block, and they should disappear in Desktop.


Ahh perfect thank you so much for the info good to know. This worked perfectly thank you!



Resurrecting an old thread here, but where in the code can we find the references to the legacy DCCs that are loading via tk-multi-launchapp instance per engine/DCC? I would expect somewhere in the code there would be hardcoded values somewhere. Something like

    - motionbuilder
    - hiero
    - mari

Unfortunately, I don’t know that there is such a thing. The closest to a “hint” that I can see is that in the default config, these 3 DCCs are called out explicitly with tk-multi-launchapp instances in the Default Config, which still holds from 3 years ago. Beyond that, I’d confer with Autodesk support for specifics (I don’t work there anymore :blush:).

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For Mari I know that it’s because it’s workflow was only valid in an asset step so therefore mari could only be launched from a task on an Asset.
It used to only support the older workfiles and publisher app.

It’s engine has since been updated to support publish2 and workfiles2 and I think that it may now be possible to launch it from a software entity with some config changes.
However since Mari’s workflow literally starts with importing a model cache I think the idea is that you can only really start it by right clicking a Asset task.

Hiero can also be launched from the Software entity with the tk-nukestudio engine.
The config launcher can be disabled without a problem. I guess it just needs cleaning up from config2.
On the other hand these are usefull examples for users that want to configure software via the config instead of the Software Entity (I can think of use cases).

I have no experience with MotionBuilder so not sure about that one.

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