Sgtk toolkit instance in RV (ocio color management)


I’m working on the OCIO color management in RV 2024.1.0

I have read the community posts about linking RV and Shotgrid, (thanks @mmoshev @patrickwolf @nedwilson)

What I got working so far is:
Using the init_hook, I set the RV_SUPPORT_PATH env var, so that a custom “” is loaded when launching RV from SG Desktop (“Jump to Screening Room in RV”). I can confirm that this works (print commands I set in my rv_ocio_setup are displayed in RV’s console)

I plan to customize the ocio_config_from_media and ocio_node_from_media methods

I would like to instantiate a tk object inside the rv_ocio_setup (using the centralized core of the current project - we use a separate core and pipeline config per project). I’m not sure if I will need to query SG (I’ll probably avoid that for performance reasons) but I will need to use the template system to retrieve the Shot entity from the media path.

I tried a few ways to instantiate a tk object but with no succes.

In, I tried bootstrapping:

from rv import rvtypes, commands, extra_commands
import os, re, sys
import PyOpenColorIO as OCIO
import importlib

import sgtk
user = sgtk.authentication.deserialize_user(os.environ.get("SHOTGUN_DESKTOP_CURRENT_USER"))

# Toolkit init
mgr = sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager(user)
mgr.base_configuration = "sgtk:descriptor:app_store?name=tk-config-basic"
mgr.plugin_id = "basic.*"
engine = mgr.bootstrap_engine("tk-shell", entity={"type": "Project", "id": 3099})

This is not working, the engine variable is empty

I then tried another way :

from rv import rvtypes, commands, extra_commands
import os, re, sys
import PyOpenColorIO as OCIO
import importlib

sys.path.remove(r"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\RV-2024.1.0\lib\site-packages")
my_core = r'\\VSERVER01\shotgun\donatdev2024\install\core\python'
sys.path.insert(0, my_core)
import sgtk
tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_entity("Project", 3099)

Does anyone know how to instantiate a tk object inside this script ?
