I’m trying to get a farm script to publish files as a HumanUser instead of the api script.
How would I do that?
Currently just using some of the bootstrap code, what needs to be added or changed for this to work?
################## CONNECT TO SGTK (TANK) ##############
# If your render nodes can access the same tk-core install location as
# artist workstations, retrieve its path from the environment and ensure
# it is in the PYTHONPATH
if TK_CORE_PATH not in sys.path:
print "Appending SYS PATH"
# Import Toolkit so we can access to Toolkit specific features.
import sgtk
# Import the ShotgunAuthenticator from the tank_vendor.shotgun_authentication
# module. This class allows you to authenticate either interactively or, in this
# case, programmatically.
from tank_vendor.shotgun_authentication import ShotgunAuthenticator
# Instantiate the CoreDefaultsManager. This allows the ShotgunAuthenticator to
# retrieve the site, proxy and optional script_user credentials from shotgun.yml
cdm = sgtk.util.CoreDefaultsManager()
# Instantiate the authenticator object, passing in the defaults manager.
authenticator = ShotgunAuthenticator(cdm)
# Create a user programmatically using the script's key.
user = authenticator.create_script_user(
# print "User is '%s'" % user
# Tells Toolkit which user to use for connecting to Shotgun.