RV 2024 forcing login every day

We upgraded to RV 2024.1.0 and noticed that our entire team has to login to RV on a daily basis now, instead of holding onto a login on a trusted machine for a period of time. This is a big time suck. Is there an option to set the login cadence?


Same here. We have to fall back to 2023 because of this.

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Thanks for verifying it’s not just us. I was thinking about downgrading, but wipe compare from SG versions crashes in everything but 2024 for us. :frowning:

FLOW PTR team, any thoughts?

It’s also insanely slow to authenticate and launch.
Has got persistently worse over the past couple years, to becoming practically unusable. When I first discovered RV it was so fast (prior to shotgrid and flow renames and ‘optimisations’). A real shame.

Also the ‘Flow Production Tracking’ menu takes up so much space. We know what it is why not just call the menu ‘Flow’ or something more concise?

Hello @laurenceC,

I am really sad that you are having a bad experience with RV.

About the daily login issue:
Starting with RV 2024, RV is now leveraging SG Toolkit for authentication.
This means that RV now follows whatever your Flow Production Tracking’s Site Preferences/Security/User Session Expiry it is set to.
The default value for this pref is 24 hours. It can be set to 1 week.

When you get the chance, could you please confirm that by setting this Flow Production Tracking Site Pref to 1 week that you no longer have to authenticate RV on a daily basis ?


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Thanks Bernie! I will give this a shot.

As for the Compare with Wipes crash you are experiencing.
We fixed the following reported crash in RV 2024.1.0:

Trying to manipulate the Wipe tool after doing a Compare from SG will crash RV

Here were the repro steps:

This can be reproduced in the RV releases of 2024 and 2024.0.1

  1. Make sure RVLink is set for RV 2024.0.0 or 2024.0.1
  2. Launch a web browser and connect to a SG site
  3. Go in the “Versions” section, then select 2 versions by checking the boxes on the left
  4. Do a right-click and select “Compare in RV”
  5. Once in RV, open the Session Manager and select the “Default Stack” view
  6. Tools / Wipe: Once Wipe enabled, try to manipulate the tool

—> RV will crash.

I just tested these repro steps using RV 2024.1.0 on macOS and it is not crashing anymore.
When you get the chance, could you please double check in the RV About menu that it is RV 2024.1.0 that has been launched ?
If this is still crashing on your end, we would be interested to know on which OS and also whether the repro steps listed above are sufficient to make it crash.


Yep, I can confirm this is working. It’s the reason we upgraded to 2024, which is what prompted the login issue. Thanks for the detailed responses!

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