Reclaiming seats for inactive users: SG/Flow vs Autodesk site

I was under the impression that setting users to “inactive” on all SG/Flow instances was sufficient to free up their seat (via the “cross site service”), but I’m finding evidence to the contrary on the Autodesk admin portal where inactive users are still shown to be assigned a seat. Is the recommended process for offboarding users to do so exclusively from the Autodesk site? If so, what are the implications for customers who want automate their offboarding process since I’m not aware of any API access to the Autodesk site.

Hello Nico.

I think the information provided in this post is still valid.

If you are having issues, I would recommend to contact Autodesk Support to troubleshoot it.

About how to automate the process with the API, I could find this Restful API to list and assign licenses to users. I didn’t test it yet myself, but it may help in one direction. Unfortunately there is no unassign operation.

In my experience you should ONLY use ShotGrid/SG Api to create/activate/deactivate users.
Do not even bother assigning a license to them in the Autodesk backend as it doesnt really do anything.

As I don’t experience your issue I would assume someone on your side did assign these users a license in the Autodesk Identitiy Portal which likely means that the license can only be taken away there.

If you steer clear from it and only do it in Sg it will work fine and as expected.

thanks for the link Sergio. I honed in on this:

if you make a user inactive, the license will automatically be put back in the available pool if the user is not present on any other ShotGrid site of that team.

If that is the intended behavior sound like this might be a legitimate bug with the sync service. We’ll follow up with SG support.

Also FYI, there is a button on the People page next to the license number info where you can force a resync if you think its wrong.

Sometimes the numbers don’t match anymore due to various reason, a resync should fix it.

Adding here that using the Python API, the subscription management is documented in