Python Console not using Python 3

I am attempting to get toolkit running with py3.
I am able to get desktop to launch as py3, but the python console continues to run in py27.
Is there something I am missing?

Loading screen:

Console output:


the sys.executable points to the shotgun py2 exe.
I can’t see where this gets set in the python console code though :confused:

Bump - is there anyone with some insight on this?

Don’t really know. Have you tried setting SHOTGUN_PYTHON_VERSION?

Yeah - that is how desktop is starting in Py3.

By the way there is also the config file config/core/interpreter_Windows.cfg (adjust for OS).
What does that contain?
A quick scan of the python console app I could not find any place where the executable is explicitly set.


That resolved it:

amazing - thank you!

Cool, glad it works. This should be added to the documentation.